Body Heart and Soul

Part 7

Gabrielle sat on the bench near the back wall, hands splayed out supporting her weight as she listened to XenaÕs low, wryly resigned tone.  ÒAre you kidding me?Ó She finally said. ÒThey get themselves into the ultimate pickle and they want YOU to fix it?Ó

ÒNot kidding.Ó  Xena said.

ÒAfter what they did to us?Ó The bardÕs voice rose.  ÒXena, that sucks!Ó

Xena got up and switched benches, sitting down next to her partner and ending up shoulder to shoulder with her.  ÒStory of our lives.Ó She said. ÒBut I didnÕt say IÕd go fix their problem. I just said IÕd see if the bunch we sent out there saw anything.Ó

Gabrielle gave her a droll look.

Xena held both hands out in self defense.  ÒWhat was I supposed to tell her? It was Aphrodite. What would you have said?Ó

The bard grumbled under her breath.

ÒThatÕs what I thought.Ó Xena leaned back against the wall, watching the children across the hall near the fire at their games.  Ring ball, and Dori was in the middle.   She bounced around with a grin, ducking the hide stuffed ball as the other girls tried to hit her with it.

Xena had to wonder where that game came from.  Pelt a kid with a sack?  Really? 


ÒYes?Ó She turned back to her partner.  ÒMy guess is, they got picked up by those slavers Tectdus told us about.  Probably had no idea who they were.  Knocked em over the head.Ó

Gabrielle covered her eyes with one hand.

ÒIf theyÕve got one coinsÕ worth of sense, theyÕll keep quiet and not spill who they are.Ó The warrior went on.  ÒBut  Cait knows what they look like. If she sees them, weÕll know.Ó

ÒAnd then what?Ó

Xena folded her arms over her chest. ÒWell, hon, greater good or no greater good, getting them out of their hands is the right thing to do. Look what happened to Alana.Ó

ÒYou think itÕs the same guys?Ó

ÒWouldnÕt surprise me.Ó  Her partner said. ÒThat kind of skunk doesnÕt tolerate rivals.Ó

Gabrielle thought about that in silence, her eyes going a little unfocused.   ÒYeah.Ó  She rested her head against XenaÕs shoulders.   ÒYouÕre right. Not even vengeful little bitches like that should have to go through what she did.  Or what I did, for that matter.Ó

She felt the hitch in XenaÕs breathing, and pressed closer to her.  ÒOf course if we know where they are, weÕve got to help them.Ó  She took XenaÕs hand in hers and clasped it. ÒItÕs our destiny, you and I. To stand in that wind.Ó

Xena smiled briefly. ÒI sent word down the hill to the barracks. Just to quietly start getting ready.Ó

Gabrielle nodded. ÒIÕll let Ephiny know.Ó

They watched Dori jump over a thrown ball and laugh, then run to the circle as another girl took her place.  ÒIÕm glad sheÕs getting a lot of friends.Ó  Gabrielle said after a long pause. ÒIts good for her, you know?Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Xena sighed. ÒWish IÕd had a bunch when I was her age.  It was just me and Tor and Ly. Werent many other kids in town then.Ó  She let herself relax, glad there hadnÕt been any contention between them.  ÒWe never played that game.Ó

ÒNo, us either.Ó  Gabrielle said.  ÒOr.. well maybe the boys did.  The best the girls did was play pick up sticks in the barn.Ó

They looked at each other. Then Gabrielle put her head back down on XenaÕs shoulder, feeling the muscles shift as her partner turned slightly and gave her a kiss on the top of her head, the exhale of her breath warming her scalp.

There was something so elemental about that feeling.  It was like dunking your soul in warm soup on a cold day.  Gabrielle watched her daughter at play, with her little friend beside her and took a moment to savor her life.

ÒMama!Ó The game ended and Dori ran over, with Cari beside her. ÒCan I bring Rusty in to be with us to have fun? He can play games too!Ó

ÒNo, honey.Ó  Gabrielle put her arms around her.  ÒRusty is down by Gramma, and itÕs too cold to try and bring him here.Ó

ÒMama, Boo said!Ó

ÒBoo said maybe when itÕs warmer.Ó Xena spoke up.  ÒYouÕve got all your buddies here, Dor.  Let him spend time with his friends down in the barn.Ó

ÒHorsie is cute.Ó Cari spoke up shyly.   ÒLike him.Ó

ÒDo ya?Ó Xena turned her attention to the little girl, who edged back a little.   She was a hand or so shorter than Dori was, and had curly reddish blond hair and was cute as a button herself.  ÒCmere.Ó She held out her hand.

Cari hesitated, then she quickly put her hand in XenaÕs much larger one.  Then the other girls all started shouting in a new game, and she withdrew it, looking back over at them.

ÒGo have fun.Ó Gabrielle gave Dori a hug and a kiss on the head.  ÒWe can talk about Rusty later.Ó

ÒOkay mama.Ó Dori said. ÒCÕmon lets go.Ó She and Cari pattered off back to the game, which now seemed to involve a lot of running and laughter,

ÒWeÕre going to end up with that pony at the breakfast table arenÕt we?Ó  Gabrielle mock sighed.  ÒLetÕs go, Boo.  Let Dori have her fun, and you and I can go have some dinner in our hut.Ó

Xena stood up agreeably and stretched.  ÒLet me tell Dori weÕre leaving.Ó

Gabrielle waited as her partner strolled over to the group, leaning over their daughter and ruffling her hair. Dori looked up, then looked quickly behind her.  The bard lifted a  hand and waved, then smiled as Dori went back to her play.

Xena observed the group briefly, then returned to her side, extending a hand out to her as she stood to join her.

They strolled over to the door and ducked outside, crossing the cold ground to their quarters, entering into the candle lit space and shutting the weather out behind them.

Gabrielle went over to the fire and nudged a cast iron pot closer to the flames, then paused as she felt Xena come up behind her and waited as long arms enclosed her from behind and their bodies pressed together.  ÔMm.Ó

ÒYou really donÕt want to go.Ó Xena said, after a brief pause.

Gabrielle turned, putting her back to the fire and let her hands rest against her partnerÕs body. ÒYou really can read my mind, canÕt you?Ó She asked. ÒHow do you do that? How on earth do you know exactly what IÕm thinking, Xena?Ó

The taller woman shrugged, and smiled. ÒWeÕve known each other long enough.Ó  She responded. ÒAnd you donÕt exactly hide your feelings.Ó

GabrielleÕs face eased into a somewhat wry smile. ÒNot with you.Ó She admitted. ÒNot anymore. I donÕt think I could now.Ó

ÒNo, me either.Ó

Their eyes met and they stood quietly, studying each other for a minute, surrounded by the faint snap of the flames, and the soft hiss of wind in the drying tree limbs outside.

ÒHuh.Ó Gabrielle exhaled finally. ÒI never thought IÕd get to where I really liked staying in one spot. But you know, itÕs been okay.Ó  She said. ÒIÕm happy being here, and doing what weÕre doing.Ó


ÒI wish neither of us had to go.Ó The bard clarified. ÒIÕm just so tired of us having to go pull everyoneÕs ass out of the fire and get nothing for it.Ó  Her face scrunched. ÒGah that sounds selfish doesnÕt it?Ó

ÒGiven what weÕve gone through the last few years? Not really.Ó Her partner said. ÒBut maybe weÕll get lucky this time and something goodÕll come of it.Ó

Well, that could be.  The bard reflected. You never knew.  ÒDo you want to really do this, Xe?Ó She watched the firelight reflect off XenaÕs angular features.

ÒI want to finish this whole deal.  ItÕs been hanging over me.Ó  Xena replied promptly. ÒWe knew this would be coming.Ó

ÒIolaus said they were trying to keep us out of it.Ó

Xena nodded. ÒWhich probably just drew it all out.Ó

ÒProbably.Ó  Gabrielle admitted. ÒSo we get this taken care of, then we get our quiet winter, right?Ó She exchanged wry, understanding looks with her partner. ÒAh, Xe.Ó

Xena chuckled softly.  She leaned forward and hugged Gabrielle close, giving her back a light rub with her fingertips.  Then she released her and removed her cloak, taking that and her own over to the pegs on the wall.

Gabrielle turned and picked up her big wooden spoon, stirring the stew sheÕd left warming and sniffing at the steam that was starting to come off it. ÒMm.Ó

ÒI smell duck.Ó

ÒYes,  you do.Ó  The bard agreed.  ÒThey brought in close to two dozen of the suckers. I grabbed two for us.Ó  She added a touch of herbs, then went over to the cabinet against the wall to get some platters out.  ÒHey Xe?Ó

ÒYees?Ó  Xena had just folded her overtunic and put it on the garment press.

ÒWhat would happen if we let them just kind of fade out?Ó Gabrielle turned and faced her, tapping her spoon against her lips a little.  ÒIf we didnÕt get involved?Ó

Xena sat on the press and folded her arms. ÒI donÕt know.Ó She answered. ÒHadnÕt really thought about it. Ò

ÒHm.Ó  Gabrielle wiggled her eyebrows. ÒInteresting question?Ó

Xena hiked one knee up and circled it with both hands. ÒMade me think of another question. How much of the good attitude around here lately is because Artemis and Athena are mortal?Ó She asked. ÒRemember what happened when Ares was.Ó

Gabrielle put the platters down and paused, leaning against the table. ÒBut that was the reverse, Xe.  Everyone was crazy angry.Ó


ÒBut you know.Ó  The bard said. ÒAs soon as that happened, remember how chilled out everyone got in Therma.Ó She added thoughtfully.  ÒWas that them just stopping wanting the war, or ÉÓ

ÒYeah. ThatÕs what made me think of it.Ó Her partner mused. ÒThe or part.  Because Ares didnÕt stop wanting the war, after they were out of the way now did he?Ó


ÒAh, who knows.Ó  Xena got up and came over, taking a seat at the table as she watched Gabrielle bring the platters over and load them up from the kettle.  ÒWeÕre both assuming Cait and Bennu are going to find them out there. LetÕs get past that first.Ó

ÒTrue.Ó  The bard filled two mugs for them and sat down next to her.  ÒYou up for a little sparring after dinner?Ó She asked. ÒIÕm kinda in the mood.Ó

ÒLetÕs see if you stay that way.Ó


Cait had been waiting in silence for about a half candlemark, her dark cloak blending in perfectly with the tall tree she was standing against. 

A moment ago though, sheÕd heard motion behind her.   Xena had taught her how to know what that was. The movement of air, the compression of a step against bare ground, faintest rasp of clothing against skin.

Most animals didnÕt make that sort of noise, and the hunting ones made no noise at all.  Cait felt her breathing slow as she sharpened her senses, detecting that mildest of vibrations against the soles of her feet that was a human sized animal coming closer.

Could be someone just coming to relieve her.

Could be someone just coming out to relieve themselves.

Cait curled her fingers around her long dagger and drew it from itÕs sheath, lowering her hand to her thigh, and readying her other hand at the hem of her cloak to move it aside.

They were behind her tree.  Cait went absolutely still, the only motion the cautious rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

They moved.

She felt the hands coming for her and she waited until they committed, before she slid to one side, hearing fingers impact the bark of the tree as she swirled her cloak aside and reached out to grab her adversary by the throat, bringing her dagger around in a fast, then slow motion as the point came to rest pricking skin.  ÒStop.Ó

The figure went still. ÒOkay! Hey! No harm meant! I was just trying to surprise you.Ó   It was Jakes just out of adolescence voice, cutting through the cold air.  ÒDonÕt stab me!Ó

Cait met his eyes in the gloom steadily. ÒI donÕt play.Ó 

ÒI get it.Ó Jake had his hands up now, palms out. ÒI couldnÕt sleep. I thought maybe youÕd want to talk to someone out here. ItÕs boring.Ó

How do you know.  ThatÕs what sheÕd asked Xena, in the dark night when theyÕd shared watch at the front of the Amazon village.   How do you know when someoneÕs rot, or not?

You know.  Xena had said, her pale eyes watching the open space at the gates, seeing far more in the gloom than Caits did. You do it enough, and you know.  And then Xena had turned her head to look at Cait and told her,  you see it in their eyes.

Rats.  Cait released him and stepped back, holding her dagger ready in any case.  She couldnÕt see anything particular in his eyes at all.  Apparently she hadnÕt done this quite long enough yet.  ÒDonÕt do that again.Ó

ÒTrust me I wonÕt.Ó  Jake cautiously backed away from her, and slowly lowered his hands.  ÒYouÕre a wild thing, arenÕt you?Ó

Cait slid her dagger home in itÕs sheath and returned to leaning against the tree. ÒI grew up talking to wolves and rabbits so I suppose, yes, I am a wild thing.Ó She twitched her cloak back into place and resumed her steady scanning of the trees.

ÒOh.Ó  Jake picked a nearby tree to lean against, at a safe distance. ÒDo all Amazons do that?Ó


ÒWhat do Amazons do?Ó

ÒWhatever everyone else does.Ó  Cait said. ÒHunt, gather, plant things, get herbs, make clothing, raise children..  really, not any difference.Ó

ÒExcept no men.Ó Jake said, succinctly.

ÒIn the village, no.Ó 

ÔThatÕs weird.Ó

ÒNot really.Ó  Cait said. ÒBit of a relief actually.  All that pissing and stink out of the way.Ó

Jake looked at her in silence.

ÒMaybe you could find someone more pleasant to talk to?Ó


Iolaus pulled his cloak more closely around his head as he led the white mare down the slope towards the bridge. ÒShh.Ó He patted the horseÕs neck. ÒI know itÕs cold, sweetheart, but weÕve got work to do.Ó

The mare flared her nostrils, her breath visible on the air but remained quiet, walking along next to Iolaus without complaint.  

ÒSee, weÕve got to get this done, right?  Herc and I agreed we needed to keep Gabrielle and Xena out of it, so thatÕs what weÕre gonna do. WeÕll ride out into Thrace, and find us those two and get them back where they belong.Ó

The mare blew out a breath, snorting softly.

They crossed the bridge, the thocking of the mareÕs hooves muffled by the snow and headed out along the Thrace bound road after passing through the silent, empty lower market.

He figured he would get a ways off from Amphipolis, and then camp just off the road.  He knew the others from the town were days ahead of him, but heÕd keep the same general track and maybe heÕd catch up.

ÒShould have gone with them.Ó He sighed, stroking the mareÕs cheek. ÒThen youÕd have company too.Ó  He took a better hold of her reins and blinked a few snowflakes off his eyelashes, feeling a profound sense of relief in his guts to be on the move.

Whether it ended in success or not – he had to respond to the urgency heÕd sensed in HerculesÕs message, whatever form that message actually had been delivered in.

Xena hadnÕt though it was a dream.  Xena had, in fact, told him what she thought it really had been, having a unique insight.

Iolaus took a breath. Was the veil really that thin?  Had Xena really stood just inside it and reached out to Gabrielle in just that way?

Of course, that was Xena, and she wasnÕt HerculesÉ.

His mental voice trailed off into introspective silence.  Just a matter of degree, sheÕd said, facing him across the table with that faint smile, and the echo of new self knowledge in those pale blue eyes.  

Sure.  Hercules had known, the moment heÕd met her.  But theyÕd all always looked steadfastly past it, because she had.  Even he had, after his own life had been given back to him – offered to her as a gift from the God of War.

But there had been a reason heÕd come to her, years ago, to her and not to anyone else when heÕd needed help to reclaim his lost friend.  Even if he had never admitted it.

Even if she had never acknowledged it.

Hercules had told him all about it that night in Therma, after it was, they thought, all over. Before the tidal wave. HeÕd been so proud of Xena.

So envious of her.

Iolaus smiled and lengthened his stride, moving past the dark forest at the edge of the road and continuing down the barely seen shadow of it.    Maybe he would catch up with Cait, or maybe, he reasoned, heÕd bump into some fuzzies.

It was good to be on the move.


Dori sat on her little bed, listening to one of the biggers telling a story. 

It was okay.  Not as good as mamas, but everyone knew that mama told the best stories.  This one was about a giant, who had gotten lost.  

Dori knew about giants. Mama had told her all about how Boo had made friends with them and then, sometimes beated them up.  She wanted to meet a giant.


She turned to look and saw her friend there ÒWhat you do?Ó

Cari had her hands clasped together, and she cautiously opened them, exposing a tiny nose and whiskers. ÒI gots an mice.Ó

Dori wriggled around, dismissing the story for this much more interesting diversion. She put out a fingertip and felt the nose wiggle against it. ÒGood.Ó  She approved ÒNice aminal.Ó

Cari opened her hands and the mouse sat there, nose wiggling furiously.  Then it paused and used itÕs front paws to wash itÕs face. ÒSo cute!Ó

ÒWhat do you two have there?Ó A loud voice interrupted them, and they both turned, to see one of the minders approaching.

ÒUh oh.Ó CariÕs eyes widened.

The mouse didnÕt like the voice either. It gathered itself and jumped off CariÕs hand, running between the minderÕs legs and into the storytelling circle.   

Screams went up, and the minder herself jumped in mid air,  whirling around and looking rapidly between her feet. ÒWhat the Hades was that?Ó

Dori got up to her feet, frowning. ÒWhat you do?Ó She demanded. ÒJust a bitty aminal!!Ó

The mouse ran across the straw covered floor, scampering towards the entrance.  One of the older girls ran and grabbed a staff, coming back and aiming for it. ÒI got it!Ó

DoriÕs eyes got wide. ÒHey!Ó  She ran for the spot, and jumped over the animal, landing on her elbows and knees on top of it as the staff slammed down on her.

Owie.  Dori felt the thing hit her again, and she let out a startled and outraged yell.

ÒStop!Ó Another voice yelled. ÒRagie, stop! Stop it!Ó

Everyone was yelling.  Dori got owie real fast, and it made her start crying.  Then things were happening, and people were coming over and then, real fast, it got very quiet.

Then she heard her mamaÕs voice.


It made her hiccup.  Mama was mad and loud.  Really loud.  She was still owie, but she bit her tongue to keep  quiet and looked down, relieved to see the mouse there, okay.  ÒPssehh.Ó She told it. ÒMamaÕs mad.Ó

More voices spoke up, then it got even quieter,  then a shadow fell over her and she felt someone get close and it was Boo.  ÒGot aminal, Boo!Ó  She said, as Boo took hold of her. ÒLook!Ó

ÒI see, Dori. Let me take him.Ó 

Boo took the aminal, and the aminal liked that.  All aminals did, when Boo took them.  They loved Boo, just like Dori did.  So that was okay. 

But she was still owie, and then Boo was picking her up and she knew she was going to be okay too because  Boo made everything okay. 

ÒLooks like just a skin split. Let me go look at her.Ó BooÕs voice said, into all the quiet after Mama stopped being loud.  ÒLooks worse than it is.Ó

Then Boo stood up and it was like flying, a little. It made Dori almost forget about being owie.  She looked around and saw all the other kids watching her and she wondered where the mouse had gone.  But then Boo was walking and they were going away from everyone.

ÒIÓll catch up with youÓ  MamaÕs voice spoke up, still sounding very mad.  Dori was glad mama wasnÕt mad at her, and that Boo was there to make things good. 


Gabrielle waited until her partner and child were on the other side of the room, and Xena was occupied before she turned back and faced the circle of wide eyed kids, her hands planted firmly on her hips.

The girl, Ragie, had dropped the staff and was standing in frozen silence, her eyes the size of ducks eggs as she stared at the visibly furious Amazon queen in their midst.

ÒIt was.. it..Ó The girl started, then stopped.

ÒEven if that child you hit wasnÕt my daughter, I would do this.Ó  Gabrielle said, after taking the time to swallow, and obtain a deep breath of air.  ÒSolari take her to the punishment chamber.  No rations.Ó

ÒYes, maÕam.Ó Solari advanced immediately. 

ÒI didnÕt meant to hurt her..Ó Ragie blurted.

ÒWhen you pick up a weapon.Ó Gabrielle stared her down. ÒYou take responsibility for what you do with it.Ó She took another breath. ÒEspecially when itÕs aimed at a sister.Ó

Solari took hold of her and led her out, pausing to give Gabrielle a comforting pat on the upper arm as she passed.  ÒDefinitely your kid.Ó

That at least made Gabrielle smile briefly.  ÒYeah thatÕs pretty much how I got into this whole mess, isnÕt it?Ó She sighed.  ÔXe?Ó  She called out, raising her voice and projecting it behind her.

ÒSheÕs fine.Ó  Xena called back. ÒJust a bruise and a little cut. SheÕs already negotiating with me for cookies and to go back to her fun.Ó

Gabrielle exhaled, and then went to one of the seats and sat down,  extending her legs and regarding her bare, and chilled feet.  ÒOkay, so everyone sit down, and letÕs talk about this.Ó She said. ÒSomeone want to tell me exactly what happened?Ó

Cari was still wide eyed. ÒI gots a mice.Ó She said, in just above a whisper. ÒIt got skeered.Ó

Gabrielle extended her hand out. ÒCÕmere, Cari.  Tell me about the mic.. I mean, mouse.Ó  She watched the little girl approach timidly, and smiled at her. ÒItÕs okay.Ó She told her, as Cari came up next to her. ÒWas it a nice mouse?Ó

ÒYes.Ó Cari nodded. ÒMices is cute.Ó She told Gabrielle, more confidently.  ÒA little one, it was in my hand.Ó She held up her hand. ÒI catched it.Ó

ÒIt was just a mouse.Ó One of the older girls said. ÒIt ran out and Ragis was just trying to kill it.Ó She said. ÒIt happened so fast.Ó

ÒIt did.Ó The minder came over and sat down next to Gabrielle. ÒIt was my fault – I saw them whispering about something and went over to see what was going on. I guess I scared the thing and it ran between my legs.Ó

ÒMices got skeered.Ó Cari agreed. ÒWas going to get hurt. Dodo said oh no and got it.Ó

ÒYeah.Ó  Gabrielle felt a sense of calm return to her, after the heart jolting and mind spinning yanking of both of them out of bed into the night in nothing but shifts.   She was glad of the fire. 

Glad sheÕd been one step ahead of her partner as theyÕd cleared the door and seen that staff coming down on DoriÕs head, as sheÕd heard the growl of rage erupt from XenaÕs chest as her partner saw only the weapon and not the wielder.

 Gabrielle ruffled CariÕs hair.  ÒSo let me tell you all a story, okay?  Maybe after that it will make more sense to you about why Dori would do what she did.Ó She told the rest of them.  ÒCause I donÕt want you all to think sheÕs totally crazy.Ó

Everyone relaxed now, and gathered closer.  Gabrielle as a storyteller was a well known and loved manifestation, far more than the yelling, bristling, mad as Hades woman whoÕd first come in.

ÒLetÕs talk about what the greater good means.Ó


ÒOkay now?Ó Xena examined her handiwork, satisfied the bleeding had stopped.  ÒNo more owie?Ó

ÒYes.Ó Dori was balanced on her lap, legs hanging off and her head cradled in the crook of XenaÕs arm. ÒAll good Boo.Ó  

Dori had been lucky. The girl had been slight, and her grip on the staff had been loose.  It was, in fact, just a graze as sheÕd told Gabrielle. ÒYou and your buppits.Ó

ÒBut Boo, they was going to hurt the mousie.Ó  Dori protested. ÒNo good!Ó

ÒI know.Ó  Xena gently smoothed her hair back.  ÒYou did right, Dor.  You always want to help your friends, right?Ó

Dori grinned. ÒYes!Ó

ÒThatÕs what you see us do, right?Ó  Xena said. ÒSo promise me, youÕll always do that.  Even if you get owie.Ó

ÒBoo and mama do good.Ó Dori said. ÒAll the time.Ó

Xena studied her quietly. ÒNot all the time.Ó She said. ÒBut we try real hard.Ó

ÒWhat mama do?Ó Dori peeked past XenaÕs elbow. ÒTell a story? We go Boo?Ó

About to stand up, Xena paused when Solari appeared next to her.  ÒYou have a talk with that kid or do I need to?Ó

Solari put a hand on XenaÕs knee. ÒEasy champ.Ó She said. ÒRegis is not a bad kid. Not like some over there, with their snootful of attitude.  SheÕs okay. Ò

Xena looked from DoriÕs scalp to Solari, and back.

ÒNo seriously.  She came from GillenÕs tribe, when they got whacked.  One of the refugees.Ó Solari said. ÒBut not much into mice and stuff, yeah? They donÕt climb trees.Ó

ÒShe hit my kid.Ó Xena said, in a flat tone.

ÒHonest, Xena. I donÕt think she meant to. SheÕs crying like crazy, scared crapless.Ó Solari said. ÒYÕknow?Ó


ÒMy telling her she almost had her head taken off didnÕt help, of course.Ó Solari continued, in a mild tone. ÒI donÕt think she realized you were actually still in your underwear and didnÕt have a sword on you.Ó

That forced a chuckle from Xena. 

ÔYou hear her yell or something?Ó

ÒNo. Just felt like something was wrong.Ó Xena answered.  ÒYanked us both out of bed.Ó

Solari digested this in silence for a minute. ÒMaybe Regis should stay in there for like a sevenday.Ó She remarked. ÒHonest, and serious, sheÕs an okay kid.Ó

Xena nodded. ÒTake your word for it.Ó She shifted Dori a little. ÒYou ready to go back to listening to your mama? Will you stay out of trouble for the rest of the night?Ó

ÒYes, Boo.Ó  Dori promised. ÒNo more mouses.Ó

ÒMm.Ó  Xena stood up with her daughter in her arms.  She  looked at Solari. ÒLot of those kids orphans?Ó She asked. ÒBesides Dor, and AaleneÕs  girl?Ó

Solari glanced at the group.  ÒThis batch? Yeah I guess.  From the war, and all that after. And the move. Some of them were left with us when their mothers decided to go somewhere else.Ó  She considered.  ÒI donÕt much keep track of them. Kids arenÕt my thing.Ó

Xena nodded thoughtfully.  ÒOkay, well let me go put her down. Hopefully thatÕs all the excitement for the night.Ó  She walked back over to the circle, with Solari beside her and set Dori down next to her mother.  ÒHere ya go.Ó

Gabrielle paused in her story and gently examined DoriÕs head. ÒYou all good now, honey?Ó

ÒYes mama. Boo fix it.Ó  Dori sat down next to her, next to Cari. ÒWe should go find more mouses.Ó  She whispered.



Xena was flat on her back on the bed, arms spread out, regarding the sturdily built ceiling.   Nearby, the fire rustled and popped, but otherwise the hut was quiet.

She was alone, waiting for Gabrielle to come back over from the gathering hall, the bard taking a moment out to go speak to the hapless Regis in her solitude.

Stupid little punk.  

The door opened and a gust of cold wind blew in, bringing a prickle of goosebumps across her skin, and she lifted her head as the door closed to see Gabrielle divesting herself of the borrowed cloak sheÕd gone to the lockdown in.  ÒHey.Ó

ÒHey.Ó  Gabrielle yanked off her equally borrowed boots and crawled into bed, throwing herself over XenaÕs body and letting out a disgusted grunt.  ÒUgh!Ó

ÒMaybe that whole sleepover thing wasnÕt a good idea?Ó Xena hazarded. ÒNext time maybe invite some of DorÕs little friends here?Ó

Gabrielle lifted her head and regarded her partner.  ÒYou want a bunch of little girls running around in here?Ó

ÒIÓll cope for one night. Ò  Xena responded.  ÒThatÕs twice in a row with those kids.  I donÕt like it.Ó

ÒMm.Ó  The bard put her head down on XenaÕs shoulder. ÒSweetheart, I donÕt really think there was anything malicious in this. I talked to that kid. SheÕs in there, in a corner, crying her eyes out.Ó

ÒCoulda been worse for her.Ó  Xena remarked darkly. ÒNot surprised sheÕs upset.Ó

ÒItÕs not that, hon.   SheÕs really upset about hurting Dori.Ó

ÒNaturally sheÕd say that to you.Ó


The warrior exhaled. ÒYeah, I know. IÕm being a jerk.Ó

Gabrielle wrapped herself around her partner and allowed the warmth to take the chill from her skin.  ÒDori and her animals.  She canÕt even fathom why Regis wanted to hurt that mouse.Ó

ÒNo, I know.Ó  Xena murmured after a moment. ÒSheÕs got such a clean soul.Ó

Gabrielle let the silence after that lengthen, as she lay quietly just looking up at XenaÕs face.  Then she lifted herself up and they kissed, putting aside firmly the worries and disturbance to focus on each other.

After a moment she paused, and studied the depths of XenaÕs eyes, allowing herself to wonder, really, which one of them Dori had gotten that from.  Under all the blood stain, there was, and always had been such a sense of burnished purpose there.

But she couldnÕt deny the echo of DoriÕs acts in her own history either. It occurred to her that her own admittedly sometimes off base protective instincts matched with XenaÕs unquestioning belief in her own judgment might not be the best combination for her child long term.

Well.  She kissed Xena on the lips.  At least the mice would be safe.


Xena unrolled a hide map onto the long table and weighed the ends down with couple of rocks sheÕd picked up on her way down the hill.  

She was alone in the barracks planning room, with dim gray light coming in the leaded glass windows along the outside wall. The inside wall was covered in a large scale diagram of Amphipolis and itÕs surrounding area,  all the way along the river to the pass, with Potadeia marked in itÕs place on one side.

The other stretched to the Thrace border,  and had the trail up to the forest peopleÕs valley marked as well.   

The map she had on the table though was from the Thrace border inward, and she refreshed her memory of the area and itÕs winding roads and hills.   She put a finger on Phillipi, and then the port city, noting the narrow pass just to one side of the long valley that connected the two.

Cait and the rest were, she figured, going down into that valley around now.  She figured it would be another day for them to get to Philippi and two more after that to the port city if they stayed mounted.

So she had time for them to get there, and send word back of what theyÕd found.


She looked up to find one of her troop captains there. ÒCÕmon in, Redder.Ó

The man entered. He was tall and gangling, roughly the same age as Xena was, and had random scars that indicated a life of fighting behind him. ÒIÕve got the provision masters getting loads made up. We figure weÕve got enough stores to go a moon, maybe two sevendays more.Ó

ÒThat should do it.Ó  Xena said, regarding the map. ÒTake us a week or so to get out there.  How long we stay depends on if we need to siege.Ó

The man nodded. ÒCould be theyÕll duck out, if theyÕre pirates. Might just sail off.Ó

ÒEhh.. Ò  Xena rested her weight on her fists, leaning against the table. ÒBeen in there a while. I donÕt think theyÕll give up the sweet life so fast.Ó  Her face creased into a brief grin.  ÒI wouldnÕt.Ó

ÒNot you youÕd have been facing off against.Ó Redder smiled back. ÒFeel good to be out and on the march. Been a while.Ó

ÒTrue that.Ó  His general agreed. ÒMake sure weÕve got enough spears and arrows laid by.  They could have outposts here, and here.Ó She indicated spots near the narrow pass.  ÒWe could have to fight through it.Ó

Redder didnÕt look at all dismayed. ÒAyeÓ He agreed. ÒBring along Dag and Furstan, case we need to get a catapult going . They know how to build em.Ó

ÒGood.Ó Xena said. ÒTrees will have dried out enough I think.  Better than if it was spring.Ó

ÒAye, for sure.Ó He responded.  ÒHave them seeing to wagons, for the weather.Ó

Xena nodded. ÒMake sure they wax the bedrolls. I donÕt want half the army sickening.Ó She leaned against the table again, regarding the map, while Redder waited companionably in silence.

Two old campaigners, just going over mental lists. Xena was relatively satisified with the readiness of her troops, and she allowed herself to be cautiously excited about taking this force, all of them shaped and trained by her hand, out to war.

No one was even looking askance at her, not here, not in Amphipolis, not anymore.

One  of the guards poked his head in. ÒMessage from the watch, Xena.Ó He entered and handed it to her. ÒSeems like that pal of yours struck out last night.Ó

ÒYeah, he left a note with my mother.Ó Xena glanced t the bit of parchment then handed it back. ÒChances are weÕll catch up to him heÕs headed in the same direction we are.Ó She sighed. ÒWish he hadnÕt gone out by himself though.Ó

ÒBad time of year for it.Ó The guard agreed. ÒNice fella though.Ó

ÒYes he is.Ó  Xena said. ÒAll right, letÕs get everyone in the hall after lunch and get some sparring in.Ó She caught the grins and returned one of her own.  ÒMaybe if it clear a little weÕll do some horsework after that.Ó

ÒThatÕll be fun.Ó  Redder said. ÒIÓll pass the word.Ó He left the room with the guard, leaving Xena in solitary glory with her map and the set of armor resting on a worktable behind her.   After one last satisified pass at her route, she went to the table and started sorting out her gear.

Not that different than what sheÕd normally wear, but with a long sleeved linen garment underneath and leggings to protect her from the weather.   Xena unrolled her armor kit and removed a tool, starting the work of adjusting the leather and metal to fit over the additional layers.

Lined boots this time too, and her thick cloak.  Xena whistled softly under her breath as she worked, glancing up as a soft knock came at the open door. ÒCÕmon in.Ó

The fledgling healer entered. ÒX.. Xena?Ó He said. ÒMay I speak with you a moment? ItÕs about the woman, the injured one.Ó

Xena waved him in but continued to work.  ÒShe having problems?Ó

The young healer came over to her. ÒShe seems to have pain, yes, but what worries me is she has asked me for a knife or a sword, to protect herself with. She seems to think sheÕs in danger here.Ó

ÒShe does, huh?Ó  Xena skillfully unbent a retainer ring and added another link to it, then rebent it closed. ÒYou mean from the men?

ÒI think so, yes.Ó

True, or just a scam?  Xena worked on another clasp, finding a worn spot underneath it. ÒPeh.Ó  She set the tool down and fished in her kit, removing a leather scrap.  ÒÓAnyone been in there to talk with her, or is this something out of her head?Ó

The healer considered that a moment, a good sign from XenaÕs point of view.  ÒCould have been a visitor, I guess.  One of the grooms sat with her while I was having my breakfast.  But no one said anything about having an argument or anything with her.Ó

ÒMm.Ó  Xena carefully stitched in a replacement underlayer.  ÒShe was raped.Ó She said, glancing up at the healer. ÒMultiple times. Ò

He grimaced.

ÒSo sheÕs probably skittish around men.  Maybe IÕll see if my mother has space up at the inn for her.Ó  The warrior decided. ÒGoing to be a lot of motion around down here.  WhoÕs with her now?Ó


Xena bit off the end of the gut thread. ÒGÕwan up and ask if thereÕs a room we can put her in.Ó  She instructed. ÒNot the back room where Iolaus was.  Something private.Ó

The healer nodded and scuttled off, to be replaced at once by her partnerÕs cloaked and compact figure. ÒHey.Ó

ÒHey.Ó Gabrielle came over. ÒWhatcha doing?Ó

Xena went back to her pliers.  ÒAdjusting this old junk.Ó She responded. ÒYou hear what he just said?  Our guest doesnÕt trust us.Ó

ÒI heard.Ó  The bard came over and leaned her elbows on the work table.  ÔI talked to Ephiny.  She agrees with you, by the way.  She thinks if we donÕt give a hand, even if we canÕt actually save them, weÕre going to pay a price.Ó

Xena nodded.  ÒUh huh.Ó

ÒShe says if you go, I should go.Ó 

Xena looked up, and a faint smile appeared. ÒThat was in question?Ó

ÒNo. She just got that out first.  She said after that last time, screw Amazon law.Ó  Gabrielle returned the faint smile. ÒI expected her to say it though, she said something like that when we were on our way back from Therma.Ó


ÒSo we talked about what to do about sending Amazon fighters.  Do I leave them here to defend the place, or take some with me to satisfy that primal urge.Ó  Gabrielle boosted herself up onto the work table and sat there, legs swinging a little.

ÒSome want to go?Ó

ÒOh yeah. They heard the soldiers talking about getting ready and theyÕre up for it. Maybe a score of them caught me in the gathering hall before I came back down here.Ó 

Xena added a few more links to her armor.  ÒThey have to ride.Ó

ÒThey know.Ó

Amazons.  Xena swung her armor up and settled it onto her shoulders to check the fit, imagining in her head the extra room that would be needed. ÒYou want to take them?Ó She finally asked, glancing up at her partner.

Gabrielle was studying the floor between her boots with a thoughtful expression on her face.  She turned her head and met XenaÕs eyes only after a relatively long silence.  ÒI donÕt.Ó She admitted, with a wry smile.  ÒBut I think I should.  ItÕll take the more antsy out and let them get it out of their system. Safer for Eph and everyone I leave behind.Ó

Xena reached over and put a hand on her knee, squeezing it gently. ÒSpoken as a true leader.Ó She said, casually.  ÔGood job.Ó

ÒYou still make me feel like a feckless teenager, you know that?Ó  Gabrielle responded, after both a breathless silence, and a blush. ÒJust for that, IÕll make you those dumplings you love tonight.Ó

The warrior chuckled lightly.  ÒIÕll take all of those I can get.  Too much trouble when weÕre out on the road.Ó She removed the armor and laid it back out on the worktable.  ÒSo now weÕve only got one thing to decide.Ó

ÒWho to leave Dori with.Ó  Her partner concluded. ÒWe always save the toughest things for last.Ó


Cait fastened the ties on her saddlebags, then pulled herself up onto ShadowÕs back.  She settled her knees and picked up the reins, as Nala led her horse up next to her. ÒWell, that was a night.Ó

ÒBuh.Ó Nala climbed up on her horses back. ÒDamned ass wild goose chase.  Glad IÕll be in a bedroll tonight.Ó

ÒMm.Ó Cait pulled her hood up a little and flexed her hands in her gloves.  ÒThat lot thinks we can make town by tonight.Ó She indicated the group from Philippi. ÒMight even get to sleep indoors.Ó She     guided Shadow along the snow covered path.

ÒThatÕd be nice too.Ó Nala said, as they joined the rest of the group in getting underway.  They fell into line behind Bennu and the rest of their gang as they moved out of the forest theyÕd sheltered in and back onto the road.

The sky was clear, at least, though gray around the fringes with promise of more weather to come.  But right now there was sunlight coming through the tops of the trees and as they turned and headed east.

They spread out a little and the pace picked up a bit.  Though she hadnÕt gotten much sleep, Cait felt a little refreshed by the cold breeze against her face and she took a deep breath, happy to be on the move.

She could see Jake ahead of them, riding next to the Philippians again and talking to the second in command. 

A relief.

ÒSo  your friend ever give up last night?Ó Nala asked, in a wry tone.

ÒGoodness.Ó Cait shook her head. ÒYouÕd think simply not speaking to him would have driven him off, but no.Ó  She relaxed into her saddle. ÒHeÕs rather creepy.Ó

ÒHe likes you.Ó

ÔYes, I got there myself, thanks.Ó Cait responded drolly.  ÒSpend enough time around an inn, you do understand all that nonsense.Ó

ÔGuys tend to really believe everyone wants them.Ó  Nala remarked.  ÒBut you know IÕve known some women like that too.Ó

Cait chuckled. 

ÒSo youÕre not interested in something casual with him? HeÕs not bad looking.Ó

CaitÕs brows contracted, and she turned her head to regard Nala. ÒI have a partner, you know.Ó

ÒNo, I know, but heÕs fair game.  We do that sometimes, just out there.Ó Nala said, in a mild tone. ÒThatÕs how we end up with kids, you know?Ó

ÒMm.Ó  Cait made a low sound in her throat. ÒNot really my thing.Ó  She shook her head.  ÒIÕm with Queen Gabrielle on it.Ó

ÒAh. Well, like she said, sheÕd have to go pretty far to find someone better than who sheÕs with.Ó  Nala chuckled. ÒHey you think Xena really fathered that kid?Ó

ÒOh yes.Ó  Cait answered in a very positive tone. ÒThereÕs no doubt at all, really.  You just have to look at Dori.Ó

ÒSome people said they just say that, and itÕs really her brother.Ó Nala mused. ÒI mean, thatÕs what it was supposed to be, remember?Ó

ÒI do, but thatÕs not how it turned out.Ó Cait glanced ahead of them, but they had put a little space between themselves and the others, and the wind was blowing in her face and taking her words behind her. ÒXenaÕs a bit god, you know.Ó

Nala eyed her. ÒShe is?Ó


ÒYou know for sure? I know everyone thinks so.Ó

ÒYes.Ó  Cait said. ÒI was outside the barn up in Therma, and I heard Gabrielle talking to someone about it. Ò


ÒWell, I  mean really. You could have guessed.Ó


A shout made them both look up, and they saw one of the scouts galloping back towards them, waving an arm.   ÒNow what?Ó Nala nudged her horse in the ribs. ÒCÕmon, Cait. LetÕs see what entertainmentÕs in store for us now.Ó

They rode up to the rest of the group who had pulled up to wait or the scout.   ÒWhatÕs going on?Ó Bennu asked.  ÒTrouble ahead?Ó

ÒLooks like there was a battle.Ó The scout said, soon as he was in range.  ÒA lot of bodies.Ó

ÒHere we go.Ó  Bennu loosened his sword in itÕs scabbard. ÒLetÕs go see whatÕs what.Ó He motioned the scout to turn around and they started after him, the pace quickening to a canter as they spread out over and across the road, heading between a thick stand of trees on both sides.

Cait made sure her daggers were all accessable, and she caught sight of Nala pulling out her crossbow as she rode.   Though it had seemed to her that the battle was over, you never knew.

It could be a trap, after all.

They swept around the bend in the road and down into a rocky dell, where vultures were busy and wheeled off at their approach.

Ten human bodies, five horses.  They slowed down and fanned out, Bennu  halting in the center of the carnage and sliding down off his horse.  

Cait moved her horse around him and circled the dell, then she halted at the far end where a small stream was trickling and got down.  She fastened ShadowÕs reins to a tree limb and started hunting in the grass, looking for a flash of sunlight sheÕd spotted.

ÒRecognize any of em?Ó Bennu asked one of the Philiipi men.   ÒThey look like merchants.Ó

ÒThey do.Ó  The man heÕd addressed agreed. ÒNo one I know though.. could they have been at your market?Ó

Nala came over and studied the dead.  ÒIf they were, they lost their purses.Ó She indicated the manÕs belt, where cut ties were evident.   ÒBut theyÕre dressed well.Ó

ÒAnd they were in our parts.Ó Cait came over and extended her hand, opening it to show a bit of jewelry.  ÒThatÕs one of DasÕs bits. SheÕs an Amazon of our tribe.Ó

ÒIt is.Ó Nala confirmed. ÒSo they were at market.Ó

ÒSo maybe itÕs just a road robbery?Ó  Jake had come up next to Cait. ÒStupid, not to go with a guard. Where did they think they were? Athens?Ó

ÒitÕs quite as dangerous there.Ó  Cait said. ÒBut couldnÕt they just have taken their coin?  Why kill them all?Ó

 ÒNo one to put the law on you.Ó  Jake said.  ÒEasier if there arenÕt any witnesses, right?Ó

Cait regarded the bodies, which were hacked and cut to really a horrid degree, and one manÕs head had been bashed to bits.  She took a step back and turned slowly in a circle, watching the dried branches move at the edge of the dell.

This was not right.  She suddenly felt sure.  Not right at all.


Gabrielle ducked into the inn kitchen, a sack hanging over her shoulder. ÒHey mom.Ó

Cyrene turned from the hearth. ÒHey there kiddo.Ó  She motioned Gabrielle forward. ÒWant some hot wine?Ó

ÒWeÕve got some up the hill, thanks.Ó  The bard came over. ÒI need to borrow some herbs. I promised Xe something special tonight.Ó

ÒHelp yourself.Ó  Cyrene chuckled indulgently. ÒWhatÕs the occasion?Ó

ÒNothing really.Ó  Gabrielle had stepped down into the pantry and was selecting some herbs.  ÒI do this thick soup with venison dumplings she likes and it needs juniper which IÕm out of right now.Ó She stepped back up into the kitchen. ÒItÕs good weather for soup anyway.Ó

ÒIt is.Ó Her mother in law agreed. ÒIÕve got a root and chicken pot going here myself.  Glad weÕve got a smaller crowd tonight I was getting tired of that stew.Ó

ÒWell weÕre going to enjoy the comforts while we can.Ó The bard said. ÒThough at least weÕre going to be traveling in company this time.Ó

ÒAnd damned good for that.Ó

Cyrene had been filled in, of course, on everything.  Though sheÕd spent quite some time throwing her hands into the air, sheÕd eventually agreed ignoring the trouble would only mean even more trouble.  She hadnÕt liked it though.

ÒYes, IÕm glad weÕll be with the army.  I get chills thinking about that last mess we were in.Ó  The bard admitted. ÒItÕll be more comfortable all around traveling this time.Ó

ÒWell, with any luck at all, you two can find those missingÉ Ò Cyrene paused. ÒYou know, and get things put right without anyone getting hurt.Ó

Gabrielle lifted her hand and crossed her fingers.

Cyrene mimicked the motion.

ÔYeah, and by the way, thanks for finding space for our injured Amazon.Ó Gabrielle added a loaf of bread to her sack and leaned against the table. ÒI appreciate it.  Xe said she was getting nervous down in the barracks with all the men.Ó

ÒNatural.Ó Cyrene said, in a sympathetic tone. ÒWeÕll keep an eye on her.  SheÕs had a lot of the attitude kicked out of her, I noticed.Ó

Gabrielle hadnÕt noticed that at all, but, she acknowledged she might be biased. ÒLetÕs hope she doesnÕt have other complications.Ó She sighed. ÒLet me get going. My soup needs a good long while to simmer.Ó

ÒIf thereÕs any left over, send a bit down here.Ó Cyrene winked. ÒIÕm always open to learn a new recipe.Ó

ÒYou got it.Ó

Gabrielle left the warmth of the kitchen and gathered her cloak around her as she walked along the path leading to the back gates. Halfway to them she paused, then turned and retraced her steps, passing by the inn and turning down the route to the barracks.

Why? No reason really.  Gabrielle thought she might want to have a word with Alana, before they shifted the woman up to the inn.  Or maybe she just wanted to pick up the staff sheÕd left there earlier.

She could hear the sound of a melee going on in the barracks courtyard and smiled with wry self knowledge.  

Oh yeah, her staff.


She pushed through the gates into the inner square and the sounds got louder and more vivid, the ring of steel and the heavy thunk of maces against armor and as she cleared the corner of the barracks she paused to lean against the wall and watch.

A big group of XenaÕs soldiers were all fighting in a group, and in a group, they were facing off against their general. 

Xena was in the middle of a forest of swords and pikes, her back to the practice post in the center of the square thoroughly engaged in beating off all comers a look of positive glee on her face.

Gabrielle had to smile herself on seeing it. She could feel the surge of almost lighthearted joy coming from her partner as she bounced around the post, blocking a downstroke here, kicking a mace out of someoneÕs hand there, headbutting someone so careless as to get in range and knocking them right back on their ass.

All motion smooth and easy,  the hops and jumps and somersaults without effort as she got between four men in a wrestling ball and broke them up without them realizing what had hit them.

Then Xena engaged two of the bigger swordsmen, and was alternating between them, her blade moving so quickly it was a literal blur.

She realized, somewhat belatedly, that Alana was there, bundled in furs and seated in one of the big chairs on the edge of the open space, watching the sparring.  She took a few steps closer and sat down next to her, remaining silent as everyoneÕs attention focused on Xena and her opponents.

In a blaze of motion Xena disarmed one, and then turned and booted him back, clearing space and blocking a swipe from the other, then going toe to toe with him in a noisy exchange of bladework.

Then Xena uncoiled from the ground and tumbled in mid air, catching his sword against hers and using the rotating motion to send it flying across the ground to clatter and thump against the stone ground.

Prudently the man dropped to the ground and covered his head with his arms, making his compatriots laugh as Xena landed next to him, bouncing a little as she reached down to tousle his hair.

The soldiers gathered around her as she started an impromptu lecture, listening attentively to her as she went over some of the tactics.

ÒI have never seen anyone fight like that.Ó Alana said.  ÒI had heard many stories of her prowess.  I thought them just exaggerations.Ó

ÒMm. No. Xena always exceeds expectations.Ó  Gabrielle said, watching the sunlight glisten off her partnerÕs sweating skin.  ÒShes amazing.Ó

ÒNaturally you think so.Ó Snarky, but AlanaÕs tone was actually quite mild.

ÒNaturally I do, but so does everyone else.Ó  Gabrielle smiled briefly at her.  ÒSo few people in the world live up to their reputations. Ò She studied her partner fondly.  ÒXena does. SheÕs a master of weaponry, as you saw, but sheÕs also a very sharp tactician.  As a war leader, sheÕs earned the respect of pretty much everyone whoÕs ever faced her.Ó

Alana watched Xena leaned casually against the sparring post,  sword resting on her shoulder as she talked about the sparring to the troops surrounding her.   ÒDoes she belong to you, or to them? Ò She asked.  ÒTo be the focus of so much admiration must be a distraction.Ó

Gabrielle smiled again., as she watched her soulmate look up and across the square to meet her gaze with a solid thump of emotion that made her breathing hitch a little, as that knowing, sexy grin appeared on the warriorÕs face in return.

The sword lifted and touched XenaÕs head, then moved in her direction before dropping casually back to her shoulder, the twinkle in her baby blue eyes very visible.

ÒSheÕs mine.Ó  Gabrielle made a thumbs up gesture twice, then touched her fingertips to her lips and made a throwaway gesture towards her.   ÒWeÕve been down a long road together.Ó

ÒSo I heard around your campfire in the village.Ó  Alana murmured. ÒSo she is your champion?Ó

Gabrielle leaned against the wooden post at the edge of the seat Alana was sitting on. ÒShe is.  But sometimes, IÕm hers. Depends on what end of the sword weÕre on at the moment.Ó

ÒIn our tribe, the queenÕs consort is often a matter of political advantage.Ó  Alana said.  ÒA strong consort gives one the advantage.  But you must know that.Ó

The bard chuckled. ÒXe gave me that advantage before she was my consort.  Hades, before we were more than friends.  But I donÕt care.Ó

ÒDonÕt you?Ó

ÒNo, really.Ó  Gabrielle turned her head and met AlanaÕs eyes.  ÒIf all we had was each other and Dori, IÕd consider myself wealthier than the gods.Ó

Alana looked skeptical.

ÒYeah, sounds corny. I know.Ó   The bard said. ÒBut we traveled together for years, just on what Xe could hunt and what I found, and on coin I earned telling stories on the road.Ó

Alana looked even more skeptical.

ÒWe know what it is not to have anything but each other.  We worked hard for what weÕve got here.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒThatÕs why we didnÕt take kindly to you and your group showing up here demanding we hand over part of it.Ó

ÒNo matter now.Ó The other Amazon said. ÒIf I had known at the beginning what I now understand, we would have never left the plains. I risked, and lost.Ó She stared past GabrielleÕs shoulder, then looked at her directly. ÒIt was kind of the innkeeper to find space for me. If you had a part of it, I thank you.Ó

ÒCyreneÕs my mother in law. XeÕs mom.Ó  Gabrielle felt herself relax, sensing an easing of the womanÕs hostility. ÒAlana, I am sorry about what happened to you.  I wish we could have first met differently.Ó

The other woman studied her, bruises still plain across her face. ÒYou mean that.Ó

ÒI do.Ó Gabrielle confirmed. 

ÒWell so do I.Ó

The bard smiled.  ÒWeÕll work on it.Ó She said.  ÒAnd now let me go and keep my promise. Enjoy the show.Ó She lifted a hand and then turned to leave the sparring area, getting a few steps towards the door before a soft  whistle made her stop.

She turned and waited, as Xena jogged in her direction, hitching a hand on the strap of her carrybag as the warrior came up next to her. ÒDidnÕt want to interrupt your fun.Ó

ÒYou werenÕt.Ó  The warrior leaned an arm on her shoulder. ÒMake any progress with our friend?Ó She inclined her head just a trifle in AlanaÕs direction.  ÒI was surprised she asked to be taken in here.Ó

Gabrielle took a half step back and ran her eyes over her partner from head to foot, then back up again. ÒReally?Ó


The bard chuckled at the tone of sweet exasperation.  ÒDid you stop me for a reason? IÕve got dumplings to make.Ó  She tangled her fingers into the straps on the front of the practice shirt Xena had on.

ÒYes I did.Ó Xena leaned over and kissed her soundly.  Then she backed off and headed over to the milling soldiers, who had started to break up and face off against each other again, not without knowing grins in her direction.

Gabrielle sniffed reflectively, and reached up to rub her face, then run her fingers through her slightly disordered hair. ÒThanks hon.Ó She exhaled. ÒAlways like to entertain the troops for ya.Ó

She studiously avoided looking over at Alana and retreated, heading back out the door and starting up the slope again towards home.

ÒAll right.Ó Xena wiped off the hilt of her sword.   ÒLetÕs clear the ground and get a couple of the horses out here.  I want to work on close in fighting.Ó

The  soldiers moved off in several directions, some taking off their heavy armor and heading for the chests that held the more flexible scale armor they wore on horseback. 

A group went towards the stables.  

Xena remained in the center of the sparring area, picking up a sharpening stone and swiping it casually across her blade. There was sound all around her,  as her troops exchanged weapons and took a break for water, but she was conscious too of the quiet in her immediate presence.

She picked up her own waterskin and tipped her head back, taking a long swallow of the clear, sweet water dipped from the spring above their cabin, then she briefly squirted a handful of it over her head to clear the sweat.

A shake sent droplets scattering everywhere, and one of the camp boys alertly trotted over to her with a bit of linen.  ÒGeneral?Ó He piped, holding it up. ÒFace wipe for ya?Ó

ÒThanks.Ó Xena took the cloth and dried her skin. ÒDid you ask your ma if you could come with us, Jerr?Ó

He nodded.  Twelve years old and well grown, he was one of a handful of older kids who had gone apprentice to her forces, their parents proud of them getting a spot where they would learn skills and possibly a trade.  ÒMa said yeah.  SheÕs got my brother and  two sister at home, weÕre outta space.Ó 

ÒGood.Ó  Xena smiled at him. ÒI was about your age when I started learning to fight.Ó 

ÒWhoa.Ó He goggled at her. ÒYeah?Ó

ÒAmazing at it seems, yeah.Ó   The warrior chuckled, handing him back the cloth.  ÒGive them a hand with the horses. I hear them kicking the walls.Ó

ÒYes, maÕam!Ó Jerr took the cloth and bolted off towards the stables, his leather boots kicking up tiny puffs of dust from the sparring ground.

Xena wiped down her blade, then seated it in the leather sheath on her back.  Then she turned and fished a harvest apple from a sack hanging at her waist and took a bite out of it, hitching herself up on a nearby barrel. 

She felt satisfied with the afternoonÕs work so far.  SheÕd gotten a good workout, and she could see signs that her troops were starting to work as a solid team together, learning that elusive understanding of who you could trust at your back and when.

Two of the men had wandered back out into the open area, and were facing off with dual swords. Xena shifted a little to keep them in view, and watched as they did a slow exercise with the weapons, showing some experience with them.

Xena crunched on her apple, chewing thoughtfully as she studied the technique, wondering where the men had picked it up.  SheÕd learned about them in Persia, but the two men looked like local cowherds. 

Interesting.  She got up and walked over to where they were sparring, gaining their attention immediately. ÒHey boys.Ó

They stopped and broke apart, giving her a little salute with the left sword that rang a bell of familiarity with her. ÒHavenÕt seen that technique in a while.Ó

ÒDo you know it then, genrÕl?Ó The nearer one asked. ÒWe donÕt see it much in these parts.Ó

ÒNo, you wouldnÕt.Ó  Xena agreed. ÒWhereÕd you pick it up?Ó

The other man, younger and with bristly ginger hair, smiled bashfully. ÒYouÕll take a jab at us for it, but me and Jor here mixed ourselves up with a circus a ways back.  Got us out from home, like.  Learned it there from an old guy.Ó

ÒCircus.Ó Xena glanced up as they started leading the first of a half dozen horses into the sparring area.  ÒHuh.Ó

ÒFoolish.Ó Jor smiled. ÒWe were kids.  DidnÕt want to herd sheep. My family and his lived just north of Potadeia.Ó

ÒThat seems to be a common theme in those parts.Ó  XenaÕs eyes twinkled a little.  ÒGabrielle didnÕt want to herd sheep either – she might have had an easier time if sheÕd gone the circus route.Ó 

ÒBut not met yourself.Ó Jor protested.

ÒEventually I bet she would have. You did.Ó  The warrior said.  ÒBut IÕm glad she went the tough route and we didnÕt have to wait.Ó 

The horse in the lead swerved and ambled in XenaÕs direction, nostrils delicately flaring to catch the scent of the apple half eaten in her hand.   She handed the treat over and patted the animalÕs broad cheek.  ÒSo you learned doubles in the circus. Learn anything else?Ó

ÒBit of juggling, some card tricks. That sort of thing.Ó  Jor said.  ÒCould make a bit with that on the road, but all in all, I likes being a soldier better.Ó

Hm.  Xena stuck that in the back of her head, and dusted her hands off,  checking the horses tack before she vaulted into the saddle, settling her knees and turning the animal in a circle before backing her up a few steps as she waited for the rest of troops to reassemble.


She turned hearing her name, and guided the horse over to where Alana was still sitting, wrapped up against some straw stuffed cushions. ÒYes?Ó

ÒI wished to compliment you on your skill at battle.Ó  Alana said. ÒI was tired of the walls of my chamber and they offered to bring me in here for entertainment. I was most thoroughly entertained.Ó

ÒThanks.Ó  Xena relaxed her body.  ÒTheyÕre going to move you up to a room at the inn tonight.  ItÕs still four walls but itÕs more private.Ó

ÒSo they said.Ó  Alana eyed her warily. ÒIs there a reason why?Ó

Xena regarded her for a moment in silence.  ÒMy healerÕs tell me you were asking for weapons.  I donÕt want any trouble in my barracks.Ó


ÒAnd donÕt make any  up at the inn if you know whatÕs good for you. My mother wields a mean skillet.Ó 

ÒYou do me no service, Xena.  If you were in a strange place, would you not want your weapons around you?Ó Alana frowned. ÒI asked as any other warrior wouldÉ unless you consider me a prisoner. Do you?Ó

ÒNo. YouÕre free to leave whenever you want.Ó  The warrior answered, slowly.  ÒMy men told me they thought you were worried about them attacking you. If so you did them no service.Ó She side stepped the horse over a few paces. ÒThatÕs why I thought moving up to the inn would be better for everyone.Ó

ÒPerhaps youÕre right.Ó

ÒIf you want to give them both a skip and be taken up to the Amazon village, work that out with Gabrielle.Ó  Xena turned the horses head and started back towards the center of the open space, where the rest of the horses and troops were gathered.

ÒDonÕt you command them as well, Xena?Ó Alana called out. ÒAnd their queen?Ó

Xena paused and looked over her shoulder.  ÒYouÕll have to ask her that.Ó She put the horse into a trot and left the benches behind, loosening her sword as she prepared to join the melee again.

Alana remained silent, her eyes fastened on the tall figure who now took the center of attention again.  Xena rode as a natural, sheÕd seen enough of them in AthenÕs army and the warriorÕs rangy lean body was apparent in its long history of fighting.

Perhaps the Amazon village wouldnÕt be the worst place to go after all.


Continued in Part 8