Southern Stars

Part 8

The rain was finally slowing down.  Dar had wrung out her clothing as best as she could, but put the damp garments back on because she figured the wet was going to continue and getting two sets of clothes wet made no sense.

Standing in the rain made no sense, sitting in the rain made no sense, waiting to get so cold they started chattering made no sense.  Dar exhaled.

She felt clammy and cold and she spared a moment of intense nostalgia imagining being on her dock near the cabin, spraying off her boat, almost able to feel the sunlight on her shoulders in the tank top sheÕd be wearing to do that and the roughness of the wood planks under her bare feet.

Next vacation, cabin for sure.  Dar sighed, dismissing the images.

The wind was dropping, at least.  She went to the edge of the shelter and looked out over the path, judging the rush of the water still heading downhill.

Kerry came over to stand next to her.  ÒWhatcha thinking?Ó

ÒThinking I donÕt want to stay up here.Ó Dar answered. ÒWant to go looking around for a better place with me?Ó

Kerry smiled. ÒIs that a serious question?Ó

ÒNot really, no.Ó

Kerry folded her arms and rocked up and down on her hiking boots a little. She had her hood down, exposing her short pale hair in damp disarray. ÒItÕll be pretty slow going if everyone joins us.Ó

ÒEveryoneÕs not joining us.Ó Dar stated calmly.  ÒNo saying weÕll find anything better before it gets dark. We come back if not.Ó

Behind them the rest of the group was sitting down on the remaining tarps, just trying to stay as dry as they could. No one was talking, Rich had made no effort to get out his cards.  Petey was still draped over the cooler, resting on his belly with his arms folded under his head.

Don wandered over. ÒYou gals want to sit down over there? We got some space.Ó He gestured vaguely behind him.  ÒNot real comfortable, but itÕs something.Ó

Dar shook her head. ÒNo.Ó She stuck her hand out and judged the rain.  ÒI think weÕre going to go see if we can find a better place to shelter.Ó

ÒItÕs too cold to just sit out here.Ó Kerry spoke up. ÒMy lips are turning blue.Ó

Dar inspected them. ÒHm.Ó  She leaned over unexpectedly and covered KerryÕs lips with her own for quite some seconds, then pulled back. ÒBetter?Ó

ÒYes.Ó Kerry cleared her throat. ÒSo I agree with Dar.  We should see if we can find a place with more shelter, where we can find something to maybe light up so itÕs not so cold.Ó

Don nodded. ÒGood idea. Let me and one of those fellers come along too.Ó He turned and went back over to the group, pulling Rich aside and speaking to him.

DarÕs eyes narrowed. ÒDid I ask for company?Ó She muttered.

Kerry patted her side. ÒitÕll be good to have company.  Especially if we have to make a hand bridge over water or something like that.Ó  She turned. ÒLet me get my pack and our sticks.Ó  

Dar zipped her jacket up and put the hood up around her head, snugging it tight under her jaw and fastening the throat flap of the waterproof garment.  

Don and Rich came over, with their packs on their back. 

ÒGood idea.Ó Rich said. ÒIÕm really sick and tired of being here.Ó He tightened the sleeves on his jacket around his wrists. ÒIÕm starving.Ó

ÒWe all are.Ó Don told him. ÒSo letÕs see if we can find a better spot. You got that radio phone?Ó

ÒGot it.Ó  Rich said. ÒWe told the rest of them where we were going.Ó He put up his hood. ÒTold em if we found some place weÕd come back and get everyone.Ó

ÒAnd if it got dark weÕd shelter ourselves under someplace.Ó Don agreed. ÒThey can catch up in the morning. Easier to find shelter for four.Ó

Easier to find for two. Kerry could almost hear DarÕs thoughts audibly as her partner adjusted the straps on the pack she was carrying, brow puckered.  She gave her a pat on the hip and took a deep breath, pausing to sip a mouthful of rain water from her bottle and swallow it, hoping it would quell her complaining stomach.

ÒTrue that.Ó Rich agreed. ÒLets go.Ó

Dar led the way out into the rain, into the gray light, starting down the path as the rushing water covered her boots but presented no real impediment to her progress.   She probed the ground with the stick Kerry handed her, and they made their way down the slope and out of sight of the camp with relative speed.

ÒGlad to be out of that bunch.Ó  Don said, after about twenty minutes walking.  ÒRather be doing something constructive.Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Rich maneuvered around a half submerged boulder.  ÒIt was getting cold just standing there. KerryÕs right. WeÕre going to end up with hypothermia.Ó

ÒBetter walking.Ó Kerry felt herself warming up, despite the fact her pants were once again getting drenched with rain. ÒIf we can get back to that shelter from the other night, there were those sagebrush bushes, and those trees near the waterfall.Ó

They could see the bottom of the trail. ÒCould be.Ó Don said. ÒLooks like itÕs not too bad there.Ó He looked around, ÒYou figure those other two came this way? We should have caught them by now yeah?Ó

Dar started slightly. ÒCrap. Forgot all about them.Ó She admitted.  ÒNo telling which way they went not like this ground holds footprints.Ó

There were several bends in the path ahead of them and they went down the slope sideways, unable to really see their footing with all the water.  The rain, as though in cooperation with them slowed to an annoying mist, droplets fine but still stinging.

ÒFlorida rainÕs sure not like this.Ó Kerry said, after a brief silence.  ÒDrops big enough to knock you over.Ó

ÒTropical.Ó Don said, briefly.

ÒPart of it, yes.Ó Dar commented. ÒBottom three counties are tropical. Above thatÕs sub tropical  She evaded a rush of water over a big rock and moved closer to the right wall of the canyon. ÒYou can see it driving up. Past Palm Beach it changes.Ó

ÒWhat was 9-11 like for you ladies?Ó Don inquired. ÒMust have been strange with all those pilots being trained down there.Ó

Dar and Kerry exchanged glances.  ÒI was out of the country the day it happened.Ó Dar said. ÒKerry was in Michigan.  We didnÕt get back until most of that was over.Ó

ÒI was at work.Ó Rich said. ÒWe had a big promotion starting that day so we were all in early getting ready for it.  IÕd just sat down with a bagel when one of the admins came running in and told us to all come into the breakroom and watch on CNN.Ó

Don nodded. ÒI was cleaning the garage.Ó He said. ÒMarcia came in and told me a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I thought it was a Piper Cub or something Ð some sightseeing thing, you know?Ó He shook his head. ÒI said, Ôyeah, so what?ÕÓ

Kerry amiably joined in. ÒI was eating breakfast with my family. Or, actually, brunch I think.Ó She said. ÒDar called me from the UK.Ó

Dar nodded. ÒI was on the line with my admin, ordering a marketing kit.Ó She admitted.  ÒI heard from one of our staff through the phone something was happening and we turned it on where we were.Ó

ÒEveryone remembers where they were right then.Ó Don said. ÒIt was that kind of moment.Ó

Rich nodded. ÒThey sent us home. We didnÕt come back in for a week.Ó He said. ÒYou guys?Ó He looked at Dar and Kerry.

ÒNot exactly.Ó They both answered in unison, then looked at each other again.  Kerry tilted her head in her partnerÕs direction.

Dar reached the next curve and peered around it. ÒCompany we worked for did some work to help the recovery.Ó She said, briefly. ÒWe were tied up with that a few weeks.Ó

They continued around the corner and across the next narrow area, where the flowing water was puddling at the bottom of the path.  It was halfway up DarÕs lower legs, and she pushed through it to the next angle that started upward.

ÒMust have been pretty high here.Ó Don examined some debris on the wall. ÒDonÕt think we should bring those hurt people through unless it drops.Ó

ÒHey wait.Ó Rich said, suddenly. ÒWait, I remember seeing you on the news!Ó He caught hold of DarÕs arm. ÒI saw you interviewed about something you were doing in New York.Ó 

They paused and Dar looked at him.  ÒYeah.Ó She turned and kept going. ÒCÕmon, weÕre getting soaked here.Ó  She climbed around the corner and they started up again, quickly getting past the pooling and back onto dry land.

ÒWe worked with the city on restoring some services.Ó Kerry said, after theyÕd hiked upward for about five minutes. ÒI remember that interview. We were at our offices in Rockefeller Center and they were asking us about some of the things we were doing.Ó

ÒStock exchange?Ó Don asked, giving her a shrewd look.

ÒSomething of that, yes.Ó Kerry admitted. ÒSome other things, services for the city, things like that.Ó

ÒUh huh.Ó Don grunted. ÒPal of mine works for Verizon.Ó He sidled up the slope sideways. ÒHe was there. I remember him telling me some crazy stories.Ó

ÒMm.Ó Kerry grinned briefly. ÒIt was a strange time.Ó

The rock ground now was quite slippery, and Dar focused on leaning forward and keeping her boots from slipping on the wet gravel, still feeling the rain hitting the hood over her head.  She started looking forward as they climbed up along the track, then saw motion ahead of them. ÒWhoa.Ó

ÒHey itÕs a sheep.Ó Rich said, with some excitement. ÒLets catch it!Ó  He started to plunge up the path, slipping and sliding as he dashed after the animal.

ÒHeÕs going to kill himself.Ó Don groaned. ÒHey! Watch it! Be careful!Ó

Just as Don said it, Rich slipped and then he was tumbling back down towards them.    Kerry dodged over to get in the way but found herself hauled back out of the way as Dar pulled them both to one side. ÒLet him go.Ó She said. ÒIf he hits you youÕll both go down.Ó

Don had also jumped clear, and Rich was unable to stop himself until he was at the bottom of the slope and rolling into the pool of water.

Dar sighed. Then she started down with the rest of them hastily following.


ÒYeah, it was stupid.Ó  Rich was sitting on a rock, his pants leg rolled up exposing a bloody kneecap.  ÒYou donÕt have to tell me. IÕm just so damn hungry all I saw was a chance to get something to eat.Ó

ÒWell.Ó Dar finished wrapping a strip of shirt fabric around the bruised cut. ÒUnless it was a girl and we were going to milk it wouldnÕt have done much for us.Ó She stood up. ÒThere, try that.Ó  She looked around. ÒDoes it pay to keep going on?Ó

ÒOh, donÕt let me be the one to squish this.Ó Rich got up hastily and stamped around in a circle, his boots splashing in the edge of the pooled rainwater. ÒOkay letÕs go.Ó He picked up his stick, grimacing as he eased his elbow out straight.  ÒSorry guys.Ó

The wind was picking up again as they started uphill, this time on a path free of mammals.  Rich was limping, and he was tucking his left arm close to his body, using his stick with his right hand.

Dar took the lead again and they climbed steadily up, keeping speech to a minimum as the clouds drifted grumpily overhead, spattering down rain that smacked against the rubberized surface of their jackets and sounded like large caterpillars dropping out of the sky.

They got to the top of the rise and up into the small pass, where the walls narrowed and cut the wind, and the tall walls arched over and gave them some protection and relief.  Walking on flat ground was a relief as well, and Dar flexed her legs that were burning a little from the climb.

The canyon angled to the left, and they crossed under two thick arches as they straddled a thin stream of water running down the middle of the path.  They had just started through the narrow passage that would lead to the larger valley when they heard hoofbeats again.

Dar, in the lead, stopped and lifted her hand up. ÒWhatÕs that?Ó

ÒThat sheep?Ó Rich eased up behind her and peered past her shoulder.

Dar got both hands around her hiking pole just in time as a large animal skittered through the end of the passage and headed right for them with itÕs horns down in an aggressive charge.

ÒHoly shit.Ó

ÒGet against the wall.Ó Dar braced herself and lifted the pole as the animal came right at her. ÒKerry get behind me.Ó

ÒGotcha.Ó Kerry put her arms around her partner and braced her legs. 

Don and Rich flattened themselves against the wall as the bighorn lunged at them, and at the last minute Dar slammed the pole end into the animalÕs face and let out a loud yell.  It veered to one side and then turned, trying to butt her.

Kerry released her hold and grabbed the horns, yanking the sheep to one side and letting out a yell of her own. The sheep stuck its tongue out and baaÕd in frustration, jerking itÕs head back and forth as Dar took the opportunity to kick it in the ribs.

ÒWhereÕs your knife!Ó Rich yelled. ÒLetÕs kill it!Ó

Kerry released her hold and the sheep reeled backwards, smacking itself against the opposite wall before it dashed off in the opposite direction, heading through the narrows back the way theyÕd come.

Rich went after it, and Don as well, running as fast as they could after the creature, yelling at it.

Kerry drew a breath. ÒShould we have killed that thing, Dar?Ó

Dar watched their companions throw rocks after the sheep, as it plunged downhill as fast as it could go.  ÒDo you know how to butcher a sheep?Ó

Kerry blinked. ÒNo.Ó

ÒMe either.Ó Dar said. ÒMost I can handle is a rabbit or a squirrel. What the hell are we going to do with a quarter ton animal?Ó She asked. ÒWe left the pots and pans and everything behind, Ker. EverythingÕs wet.Ó

Don and Rich came jogging back. ÒDamn it.Ó Rich said. ÒWe had it! We coulda killed it! That thingÕd feed us for a week!Ó

ÒYou can be in front next time and grab it.Ó Dar said. ÒIf we find another one closer to the shelter IÕll jump on it with ya.Ó She went quickly to the passage the animal had come down and passed through it, getting through and down into the plateau where theyÕd burned JoshÕs body, the remnants of the fire, and his bones, already washed long away.


It made her feel better, being out in the open, despite the rain that kept coming down and the wind that had picked up and was making her eyes water.   Off to one side she could hear the waterfall, and all of them were breathing audible sighs of relief.

ÒThat overhangÕs still there.Ó Rich said. ÒLet me run back and get the rest of them. I think they can make it right?Ó He looked overhead. ÒMaybe just after dark?Ó

Dar shaded her eyes and looked across at their former shelter. ÒYeah.Ó She decided. ÒYou guys want to go back and get them? Kerry and I will start hunting around for some wood we can dry off.Ó

ÒSounds good.Ó Don agreed. ÒYou ladies going to be okay by yourselves?Ó

ÒYes.Ó Kerry said.  ÒI think I see some dead bushes over there we can use for kindling.  And who knows? Maybe DarÕll find a .. um.Ó Her voice trailed off.  ÒSomething.Ó

Dar chuckled. ÒIÕll try.Ó

ÒWeÕll look too.Ó Rich said. ÒIf I find that sheep I can get the rest of those guys to help carry it.Ó He flourished his walking stick and started back up the path, and after a moment Don followed him.

ÒBe careful!Ó The older man yelled back over his shoulder.

Dar watched them climb back up the slope. Then she turned and regarded Kerry.  ÒAt last.Ó

ÒWeÕre alone.Ó Kerry completed the thought.

Dar extended her hand and they clasped fingers, then turned and started along the narrow track that wound through the valley floor.   The rain pattered softly against their rain jackets and made the puddles on the path dance.

ÒYou know what is weird?Ó Kerry said, after theyÕd walked in silence for about five minutes.

ÒThose two jerks disappeared.Ó

Kerry sighed. ÒYou really can read my mind.Ó She said.  ÒYeah, thatÕs it.  ItÕs only one path back, Dar.  We have the phone.Ó

ÒHe has the phone.Ó Dar pointed over her own shoulder. ÒAgreed, though.  I was thinking about those guys.  We should have caught them up.Ó

ÒYou think they climbed out?Ó

Dar looked around at the canyon walls, towering over them. ÒMaybe.Ó  She mused. ÒYouÕd think we could see them though.  He said the walls back there were too soft to climb. Maybe these arenÕt.Ó She shaded her eyes again and started searching the dark gray surface. ÒThis looks like different rock.Ó

It was getting dark.  Twilight was already putting the valley in shadow, but the light tan of the pocket canyons they had come out of was definitely different than the cliffs the waterfall was pouring out of.  There was no sign of anyone scaling them though.

Dar put her attention back on the trail.  They were moving down into the flat part of the valley and there were dripping scrub brush on either side of the path, some washed out of the thin soil and they passed three or four sodden logs that were split and cracked.

No animals though.  Dar kept her eyes peeled on the ground, aware of how hungry she was.  The weather had driven everything under shelter, and as she tipped her head back, there werenÕt even any birds to be seen drifting overhead.

Not that she had anything to catch one with anyway.  Dar sighed.

Kerry squeezed her hand gently. ÒWeÕll get through this, hon.Ó She said. ÒIt just seems like a walk through hell right now.Ó

Dar listened to the rain for a moment. ÒWeÕve been through worse.Ó She felt her shoulders relax as they increased their distance from the rest of the party, at least for the moment.   It was nice not to hear voices around them, or the sound of things being moved.

There was just the wind swirling around them, the soft sounds of their boots against the rough path, the waterfall in the distance. 

ÒYou know what I wish we had?Ó  Kerry spoke up, after a pause.


ÒA horse.Ó

ÒFor dinner?Ó DarÕs voice lifted in mild outrage. 

ÒTo ride on.Ó Kerry chuckled a little.  ÒWouldnÕt it be nice?  WeÕve been walking all day. IÕm tired. I want a nice palomino horse to ride.Ó

ÒThose other guys would want to eat him.Ó  Dar advised her. ÒWeÕd end up defending the damn thing with my pocketknife and your makeshift frypan.Ó

Kerry wiped the rain out of her eyes, her shoulders shaking with laughter.  ÒOh god I can imagine that too.Ó She said. ÒI mean, would any of us know what to do if we did catch a sheep, Dar? Seriously?Ó

ÒSeriously IÕd hope it was a lady sheep.Ó Dar responded, as she skirted a deep puddle.   ÒI do know how to milk goats and it canÕt be that different.Ó

ÒYou do?Ó


ÒCan you milk a cow?Ó


Kerry eyed her.  ÒDar, you grew up on a Navy base, not a farm. WhatÕs up with that?Ó

ÒMmmmoooo Her partner warbled.  ÒOkay so we were on the base that was south of the Redlands.Ó Dar said. ÒRemember I said I had a buddy who had some horses I learned to ride on?Ó

Kerry frowned, then her expression cleared. ÒOh, yeah, sure.  When we went on that ride on our first vacation, and I got my horse bee stung and nearly got bucked off to the next state.Ó She recalled. ÒI should have gotten the warning about vacations with you right then.Ó

Dar chuckled. ÒWith me? That was my first vacation in a decade.Ó She protested.


ÒAnyway, my buddy had a couple dozen of everything there. Horses, cows, goats, and chickens you name it.Ó Dar went on.  ÒSo I learned to milk the cows and goats.Ó  She smiled in memory. ÒHe was the original farm to table guy, decades before it was trendy.Ó

ÒDid he make his own cheese and stuff?Ó Kerry kicked a rock ahead of them.  ÒLike, it was a real farm?Ó

ÒHe did.Ó Dar said. ÒHe was gay. And talking to him, made me realize I might be too.Ó

Kerry blinked. ÒOh.Ó   She said. ÒHow old were you?Ó

ÒTwelve, thirteen maybe.Ó  Dar shaded her eyes and watched a bird circling overhead.   ÒHe was maybe thirty? His parents had owned the farm and they passed on.  He had come home after living in San Francisco for five years.Ó

ÒCulture shock?Ó

ÒKinda. The Redlands were a little thin on liberalism. Still are.Ó Dar studied the sky. ÒThose look like vultures.Ó  She turned her head and regarded Kerry. ÒThat could be gross but sort of okay, or really horrific.Ó

Kerry eyed the birds.  ÒWell, lets go find out.Ó She increased her pace, and they moved doggedly up the path and through the weather ravaged bushes, flattened by rain across the valley bottom, hopping over streams of runoff.

Some were too wide to jump, and Dar paused as they reached what was in truth a small creek, the water clear and in motion.   She took a step into it and sank up to her knees, throwing out her hands for balance. ÒWhoa.Ó

Kerry cautiously followed her, grimacing at the chill of the water as it soaked her pants immediately.   They waded across as fast as they could and climbed up the other side, then continued on the path as they closed in on the overhanging shelf theyÕd sheltered under previously.

The shelf was there, intact, and Dar spared the spot a few moments attention before she tipped her head back up again and focused on the vultures.

Condors, actually.  ÒLet me go see what thatÕs all about.Ó  Dar eased out from behind the rocks that had formed their protection from the mountain lion.  ÒThis is going to be about as good as it gets I guess.Ó  She took out her flashlight and unstrapped the pack on her back.

Kerry hesitated. ÒIÕll come with you.Ó She put her pack next to DarÕs and followed her as she emerged back out into the rain. 

It was growing dark.  The weather was getting worse.  ÒKeep an eye out for some stuff we can make a fire with.Ó Dar muttered, as they went up the path around the side of the valley back in the direction that would lead them eventually back to the supply hut.

Looking back, now that ramshackle run down structure seemed like the most luxurious of shelters, and she knew there would probably be even some old supplies there they hadnÕt bothered to take with them.  

The condors were circling lower, and Dar could see one coming in for a landing and she got up to pass just in time to watch the last of the light fade over the scene of a kill, where the birds were already plucking at a carcass. 

Too small to be a person.  Dar felt relieved.  She exhaled as Kerry put a hand on her back and they moved cautiously forward, hearing the rasp and squawk of the birds as they landed.   

She could smell the blood, and as they got closer she could see the outline of the animal and its matted, already shredded coat. ÒI thinkÉ. Ò  Dar picked up a rock and threw it at the body, hitting one of the condors.

Kerry resisted the urge to close her eyes as they got closer.

ÒItÕs a deer.Ó  Dar waved her arms, as the condors hopped awkwardly out of her way and cawed in disgruntlement.   She went over and knelt next to the carcass, already stiff in death and missing itÕs eyeballs.  ÒYeah.Ó She touched it, seeing the front of itÕs throat torn and stained with blood.  ÒA mule deer.  Something killed it.Ó

ÒOne of those lions?Ó  Kerry hazarded a guess as she reached DarÕs side and had a better view. ItÕs neck was twisted and itÕs mouth was gaped open, tongue protruding and half missing as well.  ÒSomething chewed it.Ó

ÒNo idea.Ó Dar regarded it. ÒI guess we should take some of the meat. Ò

ÒMm.Ó Kerry grimaced. ÒItÕs sorta like road kill, isnÕt it?Ó

ÒSorta.Ó Her partner reached back and patted her leg. ÒItÕs better than crickets, right?Ó

Kerry sighed.

ÒOr beetles.Ó Dar pointed at one, scurrying away.

ÒOkay, okay.Ó

ÔWant to gather stuff for a fire?Ó Dar looked up over her shoulder.  ÒThis gets kinda messy.Ó

Kerry looked at her affectionately.  ÒThanks honeyÓ She leaned over and kissed Dar on the top of her head. ÒThank you for being the cavewoman in the family.Ó

Dar chuckled silently.  ÒOoga ooga

ÒThe super macha cavewoman.Ó Kerry ruffled her hair. ÒLet me see what I can do about the cooking part.Ó   She turned and started back to the overhang, turning on her flashlight and letting it play across the ground as she walked.

Dar put her own flashlight in her teeth and removed her pocketknife, opening it and setting it down so she could rearrange the dead deer so she could cut it open.

It was by far the largest thing sheÕd ever tried to cut up and she pulled it around in a few different ways, a little glad it was raining to keep the flies back and rinse the blood away, trying to remember how sheÕd done this to the small brown rabbits and squirrels theyÕd caught in the swamp back in the day.    

She wasnÕt entirely sure of what she was doing, with this.  Nearby the condors hopped and cawed, anxious to get to the food now just out of their reach, and Dar realized with the dark, and the rain, it was also possible other creatures would be out there equally as hungry as she was.

Far off, she thought she heard a yell.  She paused and listened, but it wasnÕt repeated.  ÒKer?Ó She called out over her shoulder.

ÒYeah?Ó KerryÕs voice floated back. ÒSomething wrong?Ó

ÒNope. Never mind.Ó  Dar went back to her work.


Kerry dragged a fallen tree behind her as she made her way up into the shelter of the overhang, pulling it clear of the rain and pausing to wipe the rain from her face.  ÒPhew.Ó 

Inside the little cave like space it was dark, and she turned on her flashlight and played it over her recent labor, now tucked against the back wall.  Arm fulls of dead grass, waterlogged bushes sheÕd pulled out of the shallow gravel and from numerous dead trees branches and twigs.

All soaking wet.   She turned and began breaking up the tree sheÕd dragged in behind her, putting the limbs up against the wall out of the rain.   

Then she went to the edge of the shelter and peered out, seeing a bit of light dancing nearby that was Dar still at work and even as she considered going out to help the light disappeared, then reappeared as her partner turned and started back up to where she was standing.

No sign of the others, yet.  Kerry waited as Dar ducked to enter, a bundle of blood smelling, dusky animal smelling stuff in her hands.   ÒEw

ÒYeah, ew.Ó Dar agreed. ÒI left the rest there. I think a coyote was somewhere nearby growling.Ó

Kerry shone her flashlight off past Dar into the darkness, and thought she spotted some motion.  ÒOh. ThatÕs not good.Ó

Dar put the bundle down on the rock theyÕd previously used as a table, then she went over and stuck her hands out into the rain, scrubbing at her skin and letting the water run down to clean the blade of her pocketknife.  ÒYeah, and this stuff is not going to burn much.Ó She sighed.

ÒAll I could find.Ó Kerry replied, somewhat defensively.

ÒI know.Ó Dar went back and sat down on another rock, picking up one of the pieces of wood and starting to cut into the bark, working to peel it off. ÒGrab a handful of rocks, huh? In case we need them.Ó

Kerry went over to the firepit theyÕd made the last time they were there, and started collecting hand sized rocks. ÒNot a good mental image.Ó

Dar split the bark and peeled it away from the inner core of the limb, exposing a somewhat dry surface underneath.    She used the blade to split the inner branch into several pieces, then set them aside and started working on another piece.

Kerry carefully put the dry pieces up near the wall, and set the rocks next to them, and then she started stripping small twigs and pine needles off and putting them together with the dead grasses sheÕd found.  ÒDar?Ó

ÒHuh?Ó Dar wiggled the blade of her knife under the bark and levered it off.  ÒGonna ask me how I knew to do this?Ó She pointed at the branch.

ÒNo. You come from the thunderstorm and lightning capital of the world, hon. IÕm sure you know all about what to do with wet things.Ó Kerry responded, then paused, and chuckled.

Dar chuckled as well.  ÒIÕll take that as a compliment.Ó

ÒPunk.Ó Kerry went back to drying her twigs.

It was an odd moment. There was something ancient and strange and yet familiar about the place she found herself in right then, kneeling in chill discomfort, listening to the scrape of metal against wood, thinking about how good the fire would feel.

She stood up and went over to pick up more grass, stopping to peer out across the darkness of the valley. There was no sign of the rest of the group and she frowned, coming back to where Dar was working.  ÒWhat do you think is taking them so long?Ó

Dar glanced past her. ÒMaybe they decided to stay up there?Ó She said. ÒThey donÕt know itÕs any better here.Ó

Kerry grunted. Then she roamed around the cave and picked up a flat stone, bringing it back to the fire circle.  She started arranging the stripped limbs Dar was peeling in a square, wedging in the smaller pieces on all sides.  ÒWell, fine.  More for us.Ó

ÒThey have all the supplies.Ó Dar remarked. ÒThe tarps and all that.Ó

Kerry dried the grasses off on her shirt and started stuffing them inside the fire.  ÒI have all I need right here.Ó She said, after a moment of quiet.   She looked up to find Dar looking back at her, with a smile on her face. ÒI keep thinking I should be completely freaked out and for some reason IÕm just not.Ó

Dar handed her another peeled limb.  ÒLets get this lit. IÕm freezing.Ó  

ÒWe have any matches?Ó Kerry looked up at her.

They both regarded each other.  ÒCrap.Ó Dar finally said.

Kerry sat down and then splayed herself backwards. ÒSon of a bitch.Ó

Dar got up and went to her pack, opening it and digging inside of it. ÒMaybe I have something I can useÉ aha!Ó She pulled her hand out in triumph. ÒThought I remembered picking this up!Ó

Kerry lifted her head up. ÒWhat is it?Ó

ÒBit of flint.Ó  Dar came back over and removed her knife from her pocket, taking a moment to wipe it off on her shirt and the piece of rock as well.  She settled herself on a rock near the fire and turned the rock in her hands, then she scraped the knife blade against it.

Nothing but sound.

She scraped it again.  Still nothing.   ÒToo wet.Ó Dar dried both off again, as Kerry sat up and wriggled around to see what she was doing.  Then she turned the rock over and tried again, this time rewarded with a single spark.  With a grunt, she settled closer and started smacking the rock with the knife, as they heard a rumble of thunder overhead.

On the two or three dozenth time, a shower of sparks fell into the dead grass, and a minute after that, they had a somewhat smoky little tiny blaze going, which Kerry quickly started sticking some of the twigs into.   She could already feel the warmth against the skin of her fingers, and the light from it outlined DarÕs angular profile as she continued to throw sparks into the center of the pit.

The larger branches smoldered and  popped, releasing the moisture inside them and Kerry reached over for more of the dead grass to keep things going while Dar carefully surrounded the fire with stones.   The warmth was spreading out to fill the space and providing them with light enough so that Dar turned off her flashlight to save the battery.

ÒBoy that feels good.Ó Kerry held her hands out. ÒWhen that rock heats up I can throw your road kill on it and we can almost be civilized.Ó

Thunder rumbled overhead.  ÒAnd maybe we wonÕt freeze.Ó Dar scooted a little closer. ÒWe can drag more branches in here to cut the wind.Ó

They studied each other across the fire. ÒI hope those guys did stay in that shelter.Ó Kerry said, after a moment. ÒWe can go find them in the morning.Ó

ÒAnd bring them some road kill.Ó Dar concluded. She got up and retrieved the bundle of deer meat, and sat down cross legged on the sandy floor and started cutting it into strips.


The deer had been small, but had provided plenty of food for them both.  Kerry had even found a little bit of salt in one of her pockets and after the rock heated next to the fire she used it as a pan and grilled the strips Dar had cut on it.

That had worked better than sheÕd expected.  Dar had even sharpened some discarded twigs into makeshift skewers and what had ended up was something that she could convince herself resembled Thai satay except without the delicious peanut sauce and all that curry.

It wasnÕt a great taste.  She never really had cared for venison, but the animal had been a young one and for sure it was better than nothing.  It was hot, it filled her stomach and her body was grateful for the application of protein.

It was that, and rainwater.  That they had plenty of, and after they dragged all the brush they could find into the shelter, they built up the fire enough to dry their clothing and boots while the rest of the venison was cooked off for the morning.

Or for their companions if they decided to hike up in the dark. 

There was nothing to sit on, but they had put the brush between the rocks that had fallen in front of the overhang and made sort of a shelter from the wind and rain that was tolerable. Or really, tolerable because there wasnÕt any choice. 

Was that what survival was like? You just got reduced down to looking at what positive you could find because of the negative that all implied?  Kerry turned over another stick full of meat and regarded it thoughtfully.

Dar was sitting next to her, using the stone sheÕd used to make the sparks to sharpen the blade of her pocket knife, idly drawing it across the surface making a soft scraping sound. ÒI feel better.Ó She said, after a pause. ÒGlad we got to that deer before whatever killed it did.Ó

ÒMe too.Ó Kerry agreed. She picked up one of the cluster of leaves and waved off the smoke from the fire, pushing it towards the gaps in the rock and away from them.  ÒSo, whatÕs the plan?Ó

Dar cocked her head. ÒWhatÕs the plan?Ó She asked back.

ÒCÕmon, Dar. YouÕre a lot more experienced in this stuff than I am.Ó Kerry stated, seeing her partnerÕs eyes widen in reaction. ÒMy entire experience of camping was in a cabin with room service and you know it.Ó

Dar scratched the bridge of her nose, then settled her elbows on her knees and regarded the fire.  Her pocket knife was still clasped in one hand, the sharpening for the moment forgotten.  ÒTwo choices.Ó She finally said. ÒWe either go back along the trail to find the rest of them or we continue on to the shack.Ó


ÒIÕd rather keep going to the shack.Ó Dar said. ÒIÕm tired of all the other people.Ó She reached out and took one of the skewers, biting off a piece at the end of it and chewing it. ÒI donÕt want to deal with them. I just want to deal with you.Ó

ÒHm.Ó Kerry was a little abashed by how much her internal dialog agreed with what Dar had just said. ÒShouldnÕt we help the other people?Ó She suggested anyway.

ÒWe should.Ó Dar agreed readily. ÒBut I donÕt want to.Ó  She munched on the grilled venison. ÒNothing on earth really requiring us to do that, Ker.Ó She added. ÒWeÕre not legally mandated to be selfless martyrs.Ó

Kerry flipped a few of the strips.  ÒNo, I know.Ó She said, in a quiet voice.

ÒLike I said, last couple times I did that I got a kick in the head for it.Ó Her partner concluded ÒCouple of times I stepped in this trip? Also got my head kicked. How much of that do I want to take? IÕm kinda done.Ó

It was all honest and true and Kerry knew it.  She considered in silence for a few moments then she just shrugged. ÒOkay.Ó  She said. ÒIÕd rather just be with you too.Ó She rested her head against DarÕs shoulder and listened to the fire pop and crackle a little.  ÒBesides, theyÕre the ones with the sat phone. TheyÕve got a better chance of getting a ride out than we do.Ó

ÒTrue.Ó Dar said. ÒCould be theyÕll come after us and find us.Ó She added. ÒI just donÕt want to have to give up the progress we made yesterday.Ó


They both looked at each other, then, after a moment they both started laughing. ÒWeÕre so full of shit.Ó Kerry said.  ÒHow about we stick around here in the morning and see if they show up, then go on.Ó

Dar was still laughing, and shaking her head. ÒRampaging boofheads.Ó She sighed. Then paused, as they both straightened a little, as sound drifted in from outside the shelter. ÒWhat was that?Ó

Kerry frowned. ÒAn owl?Ó

They went quiet and listened. The wind outside whistled against the rock, and the rain pattered, but there was a sound again past that which sounded strange and a little unearthly.  A bit like  howl, or moan and wordless.

Dar got up and went to the edge of the shelter, poking her head out from the branches that were blocking the rain. ÒI thought I heard something like that when I was cutting up that deer.Ó She said. ÒIt stopped though.Ó

ÒWhen you called me back?Ó Kerry stood and came over to her.  As they stood in silence, it sounded again. ÒIs that an animal?Ó

Dar shook her head. ÒI donÕt know.Ó  She went back to the fire.  ÒCould be.Ó  She half turned as it sounded again. ÒCanÕt think of what kind, but there are a lot of animals out here IÕm not familiar with.Ó

ÒCould it be a coyote?Ó Kerry suggested, folding her arms over her chest. ÒIt sounds a little dog like.Ó Then she turned and eyed Dar. ÒThis isnÕt some bad Lassie nightmare where our dogs followed us is it?Ó

ÒNo.Ó Dar chuckled a little. ÒI donÕt think Labradors howl like that.Ó

Kerry listened again to the sound as it drifted in on one the wind, then she shrugged and rejoined Dar, both of them settling down close to the fire again.  After a few minutes, the sound stopped.

Kerry rearranged her drying cargo pants.  ÒThese are going to smell like bad barbeque.Ó  She remarked. ÒBut at least we have a chance to dry everything. I think those guys behind us are going to end up just wet. There wasnÕt enough shelter there to block the rain.

ÒTrue.Ó  Dar took a breath to continue, then stopped, when the sound returned, and this time, another sound accompanied it.  ÒThatÕs not an animal.Ó

Kerry put down the skewer sheÕd just lifted. ÒThatÕs someone yelling for help.Ó

They both stared at the fire, then stared at each other.  Then Dar exhaled and picked up her drying pants and started putting them on, while Kerry picked up her boots and put them down next to her as she removed the dry shirt she was wearing and replaced it with her damp one.


The flashlight was waterproof and Dar was glad.  She let it shine ahead of her and Kerry to light the path as she kept her other arm upraised to shield her eyes form the rain.

It pounded down around them everywhere, large drops they could feel impacting them as they searched the narrow valley past where theyÕd found the deer.  It was rocky and steep, and they were trying to be careful as they went along to save a fall.

ÒHello!Ó Kerry yelled out again, her hands cupped around her mouth. ÒHello!Ó

For a minute there was just the sound of the rain and the wind.  Then, relatively nearby they heard a yell in response, and heard motion to their right.   Dar lifted her flashlight and stopped walking, shining it out into the brush. 

ÒHey!Ó Out of the darkness a form appeared, running up to them.

ÒAmy! What happened!Ó Kerry asked, as the girl came to a halt. She was wet through, and her hands were covered in cuts, the fingertips bleeding.

ÒJust come help.  WeÕre so screwed.Ó Amy gasped. ÒIÕve been calling for hours cÕmon.Ó She started back the way she came and Kerry and Dar exchanged glances before they started after her.

ÒBet I know where this is going.Ó Dar muttered.

ÒYeah.Ó Kerry almost tripped over a stone, but ended up hopping over it as Dar grabbed after her. ÒMe too.Ó

They chased after the dim figure in the rain, dodging past boulders and brush flattened by the water until they turned a corner and were approaching the canyon wall as thunder rumbled unexpectedly over their heads. 

ÒGreat.Ó Dar shoved her hood back as they reached AmyÕs side and she pointed up. 

In the dark they could see pretty much nothing  Dar played her flashlight up the wall until it found something not rock and stopped. ÒWhat in the hell?Ó A rope dangled down the wall and flapped uselessly against the stone.

ÒHe was trying to climb up.Ó Amy got up onto a rock. ÒTodd! Todd! I found some help!Ó

The figure pinned up on the wall moved slightly.  ÒFuck!Ó Came floating down weakly.  ÒSomoeone just fucking shoot me!Ó

Dar turned the flashlight off and put it in her pocket, turning to face Amy. ÒWhat happened?Ó

ÒJust help him.Ó Amy said. ÒDo we have to talk about it?Ó

Dar folded her arms. ÒWhat exactly are you expecting us to do?Ó She asked, in a pragmatic tone that made Kerry flinch just slightly.  ÒHeÕs up on a wall in a storm. Neither of us can climb up there. You apparently tried.Ó

Amy stared at her, visibly in the faint light reflecting back from the clouds. ÒI tried. He took all the ropes and I coudonÕt.  He made the swing up there..Ó She pointed to an outcropping. ÒOne of the ropes broke and something happened to his arm. He canÕt get down.Ó

ÒUgh.Ó Kerry muttered.

ÒAnd he canÕt go up.Ó Amy finished. ÒWe have to help him!Ó

Kerry reached out in instinct and put her hand on DarÕs arm, sensing the shifting of the tall body next to her. ÒLook I know youÕre really upset, but DarÕs right.  We canÕt climb up there we need to go get help.Ó She said. ÒWe need to go get the others. They have some ropes, and we can figure it out.Ó

ÒAre they with you? Where are they?Ó Amy shifted gears. ÒThey have ropes.. sure I remember now. Lets get them.Ó  She started back down the path.

ÒHold on.Ó Kerry chased after her and grabbed her arm. ÒTheyÕre not with us.. I mean.. Ò She held up her other hand in a calming gesture. ÒThey stayed up in the pass, we guess. We went on ahead to set up a shelter.Ó

Amy stared at her. ÒWhat?Ó

ÒSo if we go look for them itÕs going to take a while.Ó Kerry concluded. ÒSo lets just hold on a minute and figure it outÓ

ÒYou left them?Ó Amy said.

ÒLike you did?Ó KerryÕs brows lifted.

ÒThatÕs different. We know what  weÕre doing .Ó

Kerry looked at her, then up at the wall, then back at her.

Dar turned her back on them and looked up at the wall as a lightning flash outlined the body pressed against the stone ÒHow long has he been up there?Ó She asked.

Amy came over to her. ÒHe started up about two hours before sunset.Ó She exhaled. ÒHe wanted to see if he could see anyone up at the top, and get a ride back.Ó

Dar pondered the scene in thoughtful silence for a minute, going over to take hold of the dangling rope. ÒWhatÕs this for?Ó

ÒSafety.Ó Amy said. ÒItÕs so if he slips .. but it was too wet. Ò She said, then hesitated. ÒI couldnÕt stop him.Ó

ÒDar, lets go back up the trail and find the rest of them.Ó Kerry said. ÒWe canÕt do anything here.Ó  

Dar removed her rain jacket and set it on the ground, then gripped the rope. ÒThis tied off?Ó She asked Amy. ÒAs in, to something thatÕs not gonna just come down on top of us?Ó

Amy hesitated, then nodded.

ÒWhat are you doing?Ó Kerry lowered her voice, coming around to the other side of her partner and putting a hand on her arm.

ÒI canÕt climb that rock wall.Ó Dar said. ÒBut I can climb this rope.Ó She gave Kerry a wry look. ÒAt least, I think I can. I might end up on my ass here in a minute.Ó

Kerry regarded her in utter seriousness. ÒDoes that make sense?Ó  She whispered. ÔShouldnÕt we just go get helpÓ

DarÕs eyes were visible in the light form the flashlight, sharp and clear.  ÒHeÕs been up there for hours. Might be good to see what it is weÕre going to need to get help for.Ó

They stared at each other, rain pouring down on them and pattering against the rain jacket Kerry was wearing.  Dar had her hair pulled back and there was just water beading on her skin and when she blinked, droplets came off her lashes.

ÒBe careful.Ó Kerry finally said.  ÒI donÕt want to see you get hurt too.Ó

ÒOkay.Ó Dar tugged on the rope experimentally.  ÒIÕm going to see what I can see.Ó She took a step and shoved herself up into the air, grabbing the rope and hanging there a minute before she got her boots onto a bit of rock and started climbing upward.

ÒHoly shit.Ó Amy blurted.


It was hard. Dar felt the strain immediately and she spent a minute wondering if this was not a good, but even a reasonable idea.  It would make more sense to get the hell back down on the ground woudnÕt it?  She glanced beneath her, barely able to see KerryÕs steadfast form below her.

She had her boots braced against the rock and she pulled herself up hand over hand, moving up the rock wall. There were some footholds, and she got herself wedged against one piece of rock as she looked for another higher up to get to.

The rain faded, a little and she focused on putting one hand over the other, feeling her body flex as a piece of stone from above, small, bounced against her shoulder and went tumbling down past her as she got up about a standard building floor above the ground.

She squinted upward into the rain, and lightning helpfully flashed showing her ToddÕs dangling body perhaps another two floor lengths above her.  Then it went dark again, and she wondered, again, if this wasnÕt a very bad idea.

He was tied, she wasnÕt.  Dar understood if she lost her grip once she went past this point, falling would be painful at best, lethal at worst.

She paused, braced against the rock, hands gripped around the rope. ÒI shouldnÕt be doing this.Ó She said, aloud, and knew it for truth. ÒI cantÕdo this.Ó

But another voice answered, in her head.  ÒYou can.Ó  It was deeper than her own voice sounded to her, and eternally confident. ÒGÕwan. You wonÕt fall.Ó

Weird moment.  Dar frowned. Then she shook her head and took a breath, and when she released it that came with an odd sense of calm as she started upward again, hand over hand, the wet rope despite itÕs sodden damp gripping against her skin.

There was a ledge, she climbed up onto it and then found another foothold and made that one as well. The rain was pushed to the back of her mind and she single focused on the task as the strain moderated and her body responded with more confidence.

She thought about being back in the day, climbing up the rope wall with the guys. Always looking to prove herself their equal.  Dar felt her face tense into a grim smile. Their equal?

No.  She found a spot with no footholds and she pushed herself up a little, wrapping her legs around the rope and moving up like she had back in those days.  Not their equal. A picture flashed into her memory, of being at the top of the rope tower and turning, releasing one hand off and holding herself up with just the other, boots tensed against the thick strand below her.

She swarmed upward, feeling a sense of odd euphoria, a warmth that pulsed through her body and gave her energy as a faint laughter echoed in the back of her mind. 

Lightning flashed, and for a moment she jerked in reaction, eyes fluttering shut against the afterflash as she heard Todd cry out in anguish and then that was echoed with an alarmed yell from Kerry waiting on the ground below.

Instinctively Dar hung on as she felt rocks pelt her and she hoped like hell one of them wasnÕt going to end up being what the rope was fastened to.

Then a huge thump made her jerk to her left, as a boulder crashed past her, knocking down others on itÕs way down. ÒWatch out!!Ó She yelled down past her.

Then the rumbling died down. 

Dar waited. ÒKer?Ó

ÒFine!Ó Kerry yelled back. ÒHurry the god damned hell up will you!!!!!Ó

She got the message, hearing the ferocious anxiety. ÒGot it!Ó  She stopped the daydreaming and inched herself upward until she reached the body dangling against the wall, swinging in the ropes, this close now the damage visible.

ToddÕs arm was hanging in an awkward position in a far too extended way from his body.  She got up another foot and braced her boots against a tiny bit of outcropping, taking the strain off.  ÒHey!ÓÓ

He opened his eyes and looked at her, and it was not difficult to imagine the bloodshot ochre of them.  ÒFuuuuck.Ó His voice was hoarse and almost unrecognizable. ÒJust kill me will ya

Dar took a tighter grip on the rope.  ÒYour shoulderÕs dislocated.Ó

ÒNo shit.Ó He feebly tried to get his feet on some kind of ledge. ÒCanÕt even think.Ó

Dar released one hand cautiously and took out her flashlight, turning it on to examine him. His lips were blue and there was a gray tinge to the rest of his skin.  There was a rope wrapped around him, fastened to two carabiners wedged in the rock, a third and fourth supporting the rope she was climbing.

The ropes had cut into his skin and Dar had it into her to feel sorry for him.  ÒWe need to go get help.Ó She told him. ÒWe canÕt move you.Ó

He just stared at her. ÒHurts too bad.Ó He finally said. ÒCouldnÕt move anyhow.Ó  He paused, and breathed for a minute, his mouth open and sucking in the air. ÒHelp me.Ó

The thunder rumbled overhead and it felt a little like it rumbled through her as well, the words sounding a gentle, far off chord in her ears she had no understanding of the source of.  ÒWe will.Ó She said, nodding a little.  ÒJust hold on.Ó

The thunder rumbled again, but more softly.


ÒWhat is she doing?Ó Amy asked. 

Kerry half shook her head. ÒProbably talking to him. Figuring out what to do.Ó  She shaded her eyes from the rain and squinted, barely able to discern what her partner was doing in the faint reflection from the flashlight. ÒWish sheÕd hurry up.Ó

Amy folded her arms over her body as she too stared upward. ÒThis is so screwed.Ó

Kerry couldnÕt find it in her to disagree.  ÒHope that ropeÕs tied down freaking tight.Ó  She felt a sense of impatient anxiety and wished with all her heart they were somewhere else.  Anywhere else.  Even sitting in their office working on work else.

Even New York under the subway else.

Dar shifted position and edged over to where Todd was slumped, her boots wedged on a small outcropping just around the level of his chest.  She shifted her grip over to the ropes holding him up and then, with a glance to her right she took the rope sheÕd been climbing and tied it around her waist.

ÒWhat is she doing?Ó Amy asked again.

ÒNo idea.Ó Kerry watched as Dar lowered herself into a crouch, hand wrapped around the ropes as she leaned out a little. ÒReally no time for us to be asking.Ó She folded her arms over her chest, feeling utterly helpless at the moment.

ÒOkay.Ó Dar found a purchase for her left boot that was deep enough to feel stable. ÒSo, IÕm going to pick up your arm and get my knee under it. Ò


ÒYeah its going to hurt.Ó  She agreed.  ÒBut if I can get some leverage and you can take it, we maybe can pop your shoulder back in place.Ó

ÒFuck.Ó Todd repeated.

ÒWant me to just leave you?Ó Dar said. ÒYour choice.Ó

His head was pressed against the rock and she could barely see his eyes in the darkness. But she knew he was looking at her and after a pause he nodded. ÒDonÕt..  I donÕt care it hurts so much how much more could it?Ó

Dar felt a moment of compassion. ÒOkay hold on.Ó She drew a breath and then exhaled, shifting forward and grabbing the fabric of his jacket over his elbow, pulling it up towards her.

His body arched and he let out a hoarse scream, then biting his lip and muffling it.

Dar shifted her weight over and got her knee under the upper part of his arm, resisting the urge to throw up as she felt the unnatural motion.   ÒMove towards me.Ó

ÒCanÕt.Ó He grunted out.

ÒCÕmon.Ó Dar put some pressure on his elbow. His arm was so muscular it resisted manipulation and the angle was wrong for it. 

He let out a muted scream and his boots scrabbled against the stone, pushing him against the motion she was causing trying to relieve the pain.   Dar swung closer and grabbed him right under his upper shoulder and then she swung backwards and pulled.

He went limp, his head thumping against the rock with a sodden crack as she felt the joint come back into place.  She released her hold and moved her knee, letting his arm fall back down against his side, this time at least in a more normal position.  ÒHey.Ó

No answer. 

ÒAh crap.Ó Dar sighed.  She straightened back up and stood there a moment, waiting to see if he came to again, but there was no response to her nudges.   She examined the pressure of the ropes and could see scrapes and bruises in the light from her flash.

What to do? Anything to do?  Dar decided not.   She backed away from him and untied the rope from around her body, then grabbed it and shifted her weight to it, pushing away a little from where he was hanging. 

She felt her body start to shiver a little as she made her way hand over hand down the side of the rock, bumping against the wet stone as she decided to just use the rope and felt her boots get purchase on it, wanting nothing more than to be once again on solid ground.

Kerry used her flash to light the way down as she saw DarÕs form outlined against the faint light from the clouds overhead.  She felt a sense of relief as her partner passed the halfway point and she moved forward to get next to the wall as the sound of the rope scraping against leather came to them.  ÒJesus.Ó

She drew in a breath and then released it, and then inhaled sharply as she heard a sudden cracking sound. ÒDar!Ó

At the same time, Dar let out a startled wordless yell, and there was the sense of sudden motion over her head as rocks came tumbling down and Kerry lifted her hands in reflex to shield herself from them. She ducked and felt something come past her very fast.

Then she heard boots hitting the ground and Dar was sprawling next to her, as a coil of rope came down on both of them with a slithery thump. ÒWhat the!Ó  She grabbed DarÕs arm as her partner got to her feet and could hear her grunt of surprise.

Amy came running over.  ÒWhat happened?Ó

ÒRope came loose.Ó Dar said, as she dusted herself off and then looked back up at the wall. ÒCame out of the rock I guess.Ó

Amy had grabbed the rope and sorted it with experienced hands, coming to the end and looking at it. ÒWow.Ó She held up the piton still tied on it. ÒLook at that.Ó She looked up as well. ÒIs Todd okay? Did you talk to him?Ó

Dar grimaced as she looked at her hands in the light, scraped and raw.  ÒHe now has something in common with you Ker. I put his shoulder back into itÕs socket.Ó

ÒOh fuck.Ó Amy inhaled.

ÒAnd?Ó Kerry looked around. ÒDid that help?Ó

ÒWhen he comes to, probably. He passed out.Ó  Dar flexed her fingers. ÒLetÕs go find everyone.Ó She started away from the wall and towards the path, with both of them hurrying after her. ÒWe need to move.Ó

ÒYou okay?Ó Kerry asked her, as she caught up.  ÒHow far did you fall?Ó

Dar remained silent as they walked for a long moment. ÒNot that far I guess.Ó She finally said, as they came down from the rise and got back onto the path. ÒI was pushing off against the wall and it just came loose.Ó She flexed her hands.  ÒI just..Ó She frowned.

ÒJust?Ó Kerry put her hand through DarÕs elbow and squeezed her arm.

ÒFelt like I was tumbling for a minute but then it was okay.Ó Dar finished, with a shrug. ÒI guess it was wasnÕt as far as I thought it was.Ó

Kerry eyed her. ÒGlad you came down on your feet. No matter how high it was.Ó


They made their way back to the shelter and ducked inside, where the fire was still crackling in a low, comforting way and Amy knelt next to it and held her hands out. ÒOh my god that feels so amazing.Ó She said. ÒYou have food here?Ó

ÒVenison kabobs.Ó Kerry handed her one.  ÒSomething killed a deer before.Ó

Dar was kneeling next to their bags, studying them. ÒDoes it pay to take this or just go with what we have?Ó She asked. ÒDoes it pay to change into dry pants? I donÕt think so.Ó

ÒProbably not.Ó Kerry was kneeling next to her. ÒIÕm going to put on another shirt under this jacket though. At least I can keep a little warmerÓ

ÒGood idea.Ó Dar put her jacket down and pulled off her shirt, setting it aside and kneeling there in just her sodden cargo pants and sports bra as she paused to regard what she had in pack sheÕd been carrying. 

Kerry suppressed a smile, as the light from the fire splayed crimson against her partnerÕs sun darkened skin.

Dar sorted through the cloth and pulled dry long sleeve shirt from her bag. ÒWhat a waste of time.Ó She sighed. ÒA set of radios would have been a good idea.Ó She put the shirt on and tugged the sleeves down.

ÒNo power.Ó  Amy was chewing the venison, crouched next to the fire. ÒTheyÕd have to keep them charged. The whole point of the eco stuff is to not need that.Ó

Dar considered that as she donned a second shirt, feeling much better despite the stress from the climb and her scraped hands. ÒScrew itÓ  She said. ÒWhen we get back to Miami IÕll design some system of power and make a million bucks selling it to campers.Ó

ÒI like that idea.Ó Kerry got her jacket on and fastened.  ÒSolar?Ó

Dar tucked her pack and KerryÕs in a niche at the back of the wall.  ÒOn this trip that would be pointless.Ó She zipped her jacket up. ÒMake it kinetic. Use all the hiking and crap to charge it. LetÕs go.Ó She pulled her hood up. ÒHeÕs pretty cold up there.Ó

Amy scrambled to her feet and then covered the fire with loose rocks and dirt, damping it. ÒNever waste it.Ó She said as she followed them out into the rain, and they started back up the trail.Ó


For once, on the trip, they got lucky.   They were no more than halfway across the valley towards the waterfall when they saw flashlights ahead and then heard DaveÕs voice call out.

ÒHell yeah.Ó Kerry breathed a sigh of relief.  ÒDave! Rich!Ó

ÒHey!Ó Rich came trotting towards them. ÒHey! We found you!Ó

Tracey was right behind him and they met on the path.  ÒIs that rock shelter still there? WeÕre freezing.Ó

Janet limped up, then trailing them the rest.  ÒGlad we caught up.Ó She gave Rich an ambiguous look.  ÒOh.. and you caught up to the other two?Ó

ÔSort of.Ó Kerry said ÒYes, the shelterÕs still there.. we just left it to come find you.Ó

ÒYou found us.Ó Rich said. ÒWeÕve got the tarps, so we can get out of the weather.Ó He rubbed his upper arms, as they all gathered around.  ÒHi there.Ó He nodded at Amy.   ÒLetÕs hurry up.Ó

ÒThereÕs a problem.Ó Dar said, bringing everyone to a halt abruptly.  ÒHer SO tried to climb the wall and got stuck.Ó

For a long moment there was just a bunch of people silently staring at each other.  Then Tracey snorted. ÒScrew him.Ó She said. ÒHope he croaks up there, the asshole.Ó

She pushed past Dar and headed towards the shelter, with Petey limping after her.

Don and Marcia sidled silently after them, with a glance at Amy. 

ÒSorry.Ó Rich shrugged, not even slightly uncomfortable as he also pushed past Amy. ÒGot whatÕs coming to him.Ó

Amy stood there and watched them pass, and Dar and Kerry stayed with her, until all of them had gone ahead and they had few choices but to follow.  ÒHuh.Ó Dar grunted, as she shook her head.

Kerry sighed.

ÒScrew them.Ó Amy turned and walked quickly away, angling to the side of the line the others were taking, on an angle that would bring her past the shelter back towards the wall Todd was hanging from.

ÒSo.Ó Kerry put her hands on her hips.  ÒWe go with them or with her?Ó

Dar rocked up and down a few times, her arms folded over her chest. ÒThatÕs like asking me if I want lettuce or tofu.Ó

ÒHm.Ó Kerry half shrugged. ÒI donÕt think we can do anything for her or for him until itÕs light out.Ó She admitted. ÒMaybe we can talk these guys into helping.Ó

ÒMaybe we can.Ó Dar said. ÒAt least we can try.Ó

ÒSo lets go with them.Ó  Kerry decided, and they walked down the path that would take them to shelter.  ÒThatÕs where our stuff is anyway.Ó

Dar followed her in silence, going over and over their options and ending up right where Kerry had no matter how she tried to make them work out differently.   So she left off trying and turned on her flashlight, playing it over the ground in front of where Kerry was walking.

Her shoulders ached, from the climbing.  Her hands hurt even more from the rope.  She could still feel the jarring shock of falling in those milliseconds of holy crap before she hit the ground.

Now that she had a few minutes to think, she did think about falling.

She remembered that moment of panic when she felt the rope give way and sheÕd gone head over heels downward and then somehow in mid air sheÕd found herself twisting round like a gymnast to get her legs under her and her knees unlocked before impact.

In the dark. In the rain.  It had gone from being terrifying to ordinary in a breath and she really had no idea why.

No idea. No idea what they should do now.  Ahead of her she could hear the group talking, and the pace picking up as they approached the shelter, voices rising in relief as they found the shelter in the glow of their flashlights and for some damn reason her mind was focused on that kid sheÕd left up on the wall.

She had zero obligation.  She had done all she could and had risked her life in the bargain because if sheÕd been higher or had fallen less accurately it would have been a completely different story and then what? What if shed landed and been crippled? Broken her back or her legs?

Or her neck?


Zero obligation to him.  ÒYeah?Ó But what obligation did she have to her own conscience?

Kerry had paused, just at the edge of the rocks. Dar came up behind her and put her hand on her shoulder, and nudged her gently. ÒLets go inside.Ó  She said. ÒAt least to get our gear.Ó

They went around a boulder and into the calm of the overhang, where the rest of the group was already spreading out with looks of relief.  They were all wet, and many were limping and the expressions of exhaustion were not in the least feigned.

ÒYou had a fire here?Ó Rich was kneeling down, his hand extended.

ÒWe just covered it when we went looking for you.Ó Kerry came over and pulled her pack over to her, opening it and pulling out the plastic  bag sheÕd put the remaining venison in. ÒHere.Ó

Voices lifted in surprised delight. ÒHoly crap!Ó  Rich sat down, putting a shaking hand up to his head. ÒIÕm about to fall down IÕm so hungry.Ó

ÒIts not much, but.. Ò Kerry handed the bag to Marcia, who had come over to sit next to her. ÒSomething killed a deer a little ways away.Ó

Marcia divided the contents and everyone just sat down where they were, wet or not, dressed or not, and started chewing on the tough, greasy meat without restraint, even the vegans. 

Kerry got up and went over to sit next to Dar, who was leaning back against the rock wall, eyes slightly unfocused. ÒYou know what?Ó She asked, after a few moments of just watching the rest of them.  

ÒIÕm about to know something.Ó Dar smiled briefly, reaching over and putting her hand on KerryÕs knee, the edge of her thumb rubbing gently against the wet fabric ÒAnd knowing you itÕll be worth the knowing.Ó

Kerry paused and regarded her in silence. ÒI love you.Ó She stated, after a pause.

DarÕs pale eyes twinkled a little, now visible as the fire had been re stoked.  ÒI do know that.Ó She said, clearing her throat a little. ÒWilling to bet if it was me hanging on that wall youÕd have been trying a lot harder to get these guys to help.Ó

Wow.  Kerry cocked her head to one side slightly. ÒOf course I would.Ó She  said. ÒBut you and I, Dardar, we know what the true value of loving each other is.Ó

And as she said it, and as they stared into each otherÕs eyes, she felt a deep resonance sheÕd only felt a few times before Ð a sense of a history between them she knew logically did not exist. 

But when Dar lifted her hand up and she fit her own into it, and their fingers clasped, it was like they were sharing a private joke of the subconscious. 

ÒSo what did that moron do?Ó Rich asked, looking up at them.  ÒSorry to be an asshole but there was no way I was going to go haul him out of a ditch.Ó

Kerry half turned to face him. ÒWell, he was trying to climb the wall to see where they were, and if they could signal someone.Ó She explained. ÒHe slipped and pulled his arm out of itÕs socket, and heÕs hanging probably three stories off the ground.Ó

She had everyoneÕs attention. 

ÒShit.Ó Janet had stopped chewing.  ÒHow long has he been up there?Ó

ÒCouple hours.Ó Kerry said. ÒSo, naturally Dar climbed up to try and help him.Ó She rested her hands on her knees. ÒThere was a rope hanging down so she went up it and got his shoulder re set.Ó She continued.  ÒThatÕs crazy painful, by the way.   Anyway, on the way down the rope came loose, but low enough so that Dar could land on her feet.Ó

ÒWhoa.Ó Rich said, sounding impressed.

ÒBut we knew there wasnÕt much else we could do but come find you all for help.Ó Kerry concluded. Kerry concluded. ÒI felt bad leaving him there. Dar said heÕd passed out from it. But what else could we do?Ó She made her tone gently inquiring. ÒPeople are still people, you know?Ó

The apprehensive discomfort from the group was almost a tangible thing. Kerry worked to keep any judgement from her expression and her words. ÒSo, Dar and I are going to go back there with them, even if theyÕve been really jerky. Ò She paused. ÒI know how I would feel if it were me, with someone I cared for stuck up there.Ó

Dar waited until she was sure Kerry was finished with her sweetly Midwestern kicks in the groin. ÒHeÕs probably going to die. ItÕs too cold.Ó She said, briefly. ÒWeÕll take some of those tarps.Ó

Kerry got up and shouldered her pack, handing DarÕs over. Then she pulled her hood up and went to the edge of the shelter, not turning her head for an instant as she moved back out into the rain with an inner sense of rightness impossible to ignore.

Useful or not, smart or dumb, maybe pointless Ð did it matter? ÒWe should have grabbed that damned sat phone.Ó She remarked, as their boots crunched against the gravel.

ÒI did.Ó Dar smiled into the darkness. ÒThey were all too busy grabbing meat to noticeÓ

ÒAhh, my hero.Ó


Continued in Part 9