A QueenÕs Tale

Part 23


ÒYou.Ó  Gabrielle leaned over and gave Xena a kiss on the cheek. ÒHave created the most crazy happy kid anywhere.Ó

Xena was seated on the half wall outside the inn, now lit only by the fire burning in the firepit as darkness had fallen over the city.  She turned to look at Gabrielle and grinned. ÒThis inn was run by a pretty all right guy. I stayed here the night before we went on the ship.Ó She indicated the building in back of them. ÒLeft a couple of dinars with him and asked him to find me a pony if he could.Ó

ÒI guess he could.Ó The bard said.  ÒA really cute one, too.Ó

Xena met her eyes. ÒYou mad at me for doing that without asking?Ó

Was she mad? Gabrielle thought about that for a minute.  Then she smiled. ÒNo.Ó She said. ÒSheÕs your kid, Xe. I suspected something like that was in the works because itÕs all sheÕs been talking about since we left Amphipolis.Ó

ÒMm. Yeah.Ó  Xena cleared her throat and glanced out over the water. ÒSheÕs been asking for her own horse. I figured a pony was a good compromise.Ó

Gabrielle sat down next to her.  It was quiet here on the hilltop, the harbor now free of ships save the broken down one that was tied to a slip at one end.

An eerie peace had fallen.  All the sounds of fighting had faded and Bennu had limped up and reported the streets were empty of Spartans, though they knew there were many hiding places they hadn't checked yet.

Gabrielle had been exhausted before they'd walked up to the inn, but now she'd gotten her second wind and found energy somewhere.   Dinner had been a weird mixture of whatever they'd found inside the abandoned inn kitchen, but she was satisfied and it was good to just sit quietly next to Xena and enjoy the night breeze.

They had watchers on the walls leading into the plateau, looking for the first signs of the Spartan army.  So far, all they'd seen were some torches in the distance, tucked against the forest and Xena thought those were the advance legions that had been chasing Gabrielle.


Just like they were waiting. 

'Pretty night.Ó  Gabrielle said, after a while.

ÒGorgeous.Ó Xena agreed. ÒCould be raining like Hades and it still would be.Ó She turned her head and looked at her partner. ÒNow that you're here.Ó

Gabrielle grinned. ÒKnow what IÕm the most sorry about?Ó

ÒNot being on the boat?Ó

The bard laughed, a light sound that echoed softly against the stone.  The roadway outside the inn had been turned into a campsite, and heads turned on hearing it.   ÒYeah.Ó She admitted. ÒI would love to have seen you rescuing Eph and Pony, and steering that thing.Ó

Xena kicked the stone wall a little with her heels. ÒCould have helped more of them.Ó She admitted. ÒWasn't much interested in anyone else.Ó

Gabrielle was watching the faint hint of starlight on the harbor waters. ÒThat's okay, Xe.Ó  She said. ÒI left behind my nation, and our friends and family because I wasn't much interested in anyone but you.Ó

There was a long silence. Then Xena cleared her throat again. ÒIÕm glad.Ó

Gabrielle tilted her head and looked over at her, eyebrows rising a little.

ÒWhat did you expect me to say?Ó The warrior asked. ÒThat I wasnÕt glad you really didnÕt much care about anyone else?Ó

Gabrielle sighed.

ÒYou did the right things, hon.Ó Xena saw the look.  ÒRegardless of why.  Leaving was the right choice. They'd have taken Amphipolis apart, and your Amazons would have thrown themselves against those guys with high losses.Ó


ÒLeading them off was the only thing you could do to protect them.Ó

'Hm.Ó Gabrielle grunted again.  ÒI knew thatÓ She admitted. ÒBut it's not why I left.Ó

ÒNo, huh?Ó

ÒNope.Ó Gabrielle smiled briefly.

Xena reached over and took her hand, squeezing it. ÒNo argument from me.Ó

The bard returned the squeeze, lifting their joined hands up and kissing Xena' knuckles.

ÒI'm sure they'll be fine back there.Ó  Xena said. ÒThe Spartans went right by them, it looks like.Ó

ÒI got challenged.Ó Gabrielle changed the subject. ÒBack in the village.Ó

Xena went still for a long moment. Then she half turned and looked at Gabrielle. ÒWhat?Ó

Her partner nodded. ÒElders. I made some changes and they got pissed off. Got one of the Velaska crowd to challenge me just before I left.Ó She reached up and rubbed her neck. ÒOw. Damn arrow clipped me.Ó She grimaced.  ÒAnyway..  I bluffed her and she backed off.  Stupid.Ó

ÒBluff?Ó Xena frowned. ÒYou didn't need to bluff anyone. You could kick anyoneÕs ass with that staff.Ó

ÒYeah, I know.Ó The bard said. ÒBut I was so pissed.Ó She peeked at Xena.  ÒI had that É one of the chests I brought down from our place had that sword you had made for me. Remember?Ó

ÒWhat swÉ oh. From the war.Ó

ÒRight.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒWell I found it.Ó

ÒUh huh?Ó

ÒSo I took that out and started waving it around... doing that flip thing you do all the time.Ó  Gabrielle gestured with her hands.

ÒOkay.Ó  Xena drew out the word, visibly confused.  ÒOh, you mean this.Ó She drew her sword and twirled it.

ÒRight.Ó The bard  half shrugged. ÒSo we went out side and I was all like.. 'bring it on, bitches.' Ò and they got all freaked out and backed off.Ó

Xena started laughing silently, covering her eyes and tucking her elbows close to her body as she shook. 

ÒYeah, I was saying... 'c'mon ya chickens come and get me!' - you'd have cracked up.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒOf course if you'd been there it wouldn't have happened, but boy, I laughed after I got over being pissed.Ó She sighed. ÒJerks.Ó

Xena laughed harder, starting to audibly chuckle.

ÒSolari was so funny. She was all like. 'wow, when did you learn to use that?' so I said Ôlike right now.Õ  And that I was  making it up and she almost passed out.Ó Now Gabrielle started to chuckle too. ÒJust dumbass, you know? Over a few cooking classes, and me letting the singles have their own quarters. You'd have thought I wanted to start having them all wear dresses or something.Ó

Xena's laughter finally wound down. ÒDamn, I'm really sorry I missed that.Ó She sighed. ÒI figured someone might get some damn ass stupid idea while I was gone, but I didn't count on you prodding them like that. Those elders are hidebound.Ó

ÒDid you? Really think they'd try something?Ó Gabrielle asked. 

The warrior nodded.  ÒYeah.  I could see some of them were stewing.Ó

ÒHow come you didnÕt say anything?Ó The bard asked, with a frown.  ÒXena, thatÕs not cool.Ó

Xena gazed off into the distance, then she looked back at her partner. ÒI figured if we started having that conversation weÕd end it with you coming with me.Ó

Gabrielle took a breath to answer, then thought about that, and ended up just exhaling.

Xena chuckled softly.

ÒI thought maybe all that stuff about us finding those metals in the v... oh, darn. I didn't tell you about that yet.Ó Gabrielle hiked one boot up and put it over her knee. ÒSo freaking much has happened since you left. We got into that valley up top and it's got silver and a bunch of other stuff in it.Ó

ÒYeah, I knew.Ó  Xena said. ÒI figured if I signed it over to them, and they found that, it'd set them up for a long time and make them happier about moving up there.Ó

Gabrielle blinked. Ò You knew?Ó

Her partner nodded. ÒIt is my homeland.Ó She remarked. ÒFigured if they wanted to work hard to get that place open, they deserved it.Ó


ÒDidn't want you to think I was trying to buy them off.Ó Xena smiled. ÒIt was just there. You know weÕve got stuff like that up in the slopes by us.Ó

Gabrielle exhaled, shaking her head a little. ÒWell, it certainly made them happy. Some of the senior warriors were saying this was something Melosa used to tell them, that what they needed was a source of hard coin, and they could make the nation stable for a very long time.Ó She leaned against the warrior.

ÒYou think maybe the thought of that money made them take a swipe at you?Ó Xena asked.

ÒOh, no IÕmÉÓ  Gabrielle stopped talking again and sighed  ÒBoy, I sure hope not. ThatÕd be depressing.Ó

ÒWe should get some rest.Ó  Xena said, after a short pause. ÒSpartans will be here tomorrow.Ó

ÒWhat are we going to do, Xe?Ó  Gabrielle asked in a soft tone. ÒAres said we had to stop the war. That was the only way to keep the gods from their stupid bet. Can we do that?Ó

ÒI have no clue what we're going to do.Ó Her partner answered honestly.  ÒIÕm hoping if I go to sleep, I'll wake up and some brilliant plan will have occurred to me in a dream.Ó

Gabrielle eyed her.

ÒAnd if not, at least I'll have slept with you.Ó  The warrior stood up. ÒLet's get our child out of the barn. I know a room in this place that'll fit us.Ó

They went into the stable, finding Dori sitting in the straw near her new pony.  The animal had lain down in the small stall with his hooves tucked under him and had his head near Dori, who was stroking his mane.

She looked around as the door opened. ÒMama!Ó

ÒHey honey.Ó Gabrielle crossed the stable and joined her.  ÒAre you having fun with your new friend?'

ÒYes.Ó Dori patted the pony's nose. ÒMama what's his name??Ó

ÒRusty.Ó Xena supplied from where she was checking Iolaus' stall. ÒThat okay with you, shortie?Ó

ÒWusty.Ó Dori pronounced. ÒGood! I like that Boo.Ó

Gabrielle watched her daughter's face and had to smile.  ÒAre you ready to get some rest, Dor? We had a long day today, didn't we?Ó

ÒC'n I stay here with Wusty, mama?Ó Dori said. ÒHe might get lonely.Ó

Gabrielle could hear her beloved soulmate snickering behind her.  ÒSweetie...Ó

ÒWhat are you going to say?Ó Xena asked. ÒThat she can't sleep in a barn?  She was conceived in a damn tree.Ó  She came over and knelt next to her partner.  ÒDon't worry kiddo. He's got some friends here. See?Ó She pointed at Iolaus and the interestedly watching Shadow.  ÒHe'll be okay.Ó

Dori pouted.

ÒCÕmon, hon.Ó Gabrielle ruffled her hair. ÒDon't you want to get all clean, and have a nice soft bed for tonight?Ó


The bard sighed. ÒDori.Ó

Xena picked up a bit of straw and tickled her ear with it. ÒI don't mind barns.Ó She drawled. ÒEspecially not with you in them.Ó

ÒYou're such a troublemaker.Ó Gabrielle rolled her head to one side and regarded her partner. ÒBut you know what, I just spotted those pallets stacked up against that wall there.Ó She pointed. ÒAnd our bags are already in here.Ó

They got up and Xena went to grab the pallets, apparently stored there for busy times in the inn.  She set up three of them in an unused stall at the back of the barn, and set about arranging their things, taking a seat on a discarded wooden box.  

The horse trough supplied them with running water and she set their waterskins down, for a moment almost forgetting they were in the midst of a serious problem as she went through the familiar motions.

It felt great to just listen to Gabrielle talking to Dori, to hear those two voices at her back as she set out their things and took her armor off.

ÒSore?Ó  Gabrielle's hands touched her shoulders and gently kneaded them.

Xena swallowed against the sudden surge of emotion that tightened her throat. ÒYeah.Ó She muttered. ÒAll that craziness catching up with me.Ó

Gabrielle leaned against her, and kissed the back of her neck. ÒI missed you so much.Ó She whispered, sliding her arms around her partner and hugging her.

Unseen, Xena's eyes closed.  ÒLikewise.Ó She said.

Gabrielle released her, and then gave her another kiss on the neck before she started her massage up again. She could feel the knots and she worked them gently, slowly easing the stiffness as she felt Xena relax.

ÒMama, c'n I show Wusty Bittyboo?Ó Dori held up the doll, that she'd retrieved from Gabrielle's casually tossed bag.  ÒHe can be friends too?Ó

ÒSure honey.Ó Gabrielle kept working. ÒJust don't let him get too close. Remember how Ares likes to chew on her.Ó

ÒNo! Bad buppit.Ó Dori went back over to the pony, sitting down and starting to explain something in earnest whispers.

ÒYou've got a big bruise back here hon.Ó  Gabrielle unhooked the straps on her partner's leathers and eased them down. ÒWow.Ó

ÒI think that was the wall.Ó Xena remarked. ÒIt hurt.Ó She added. ÒIt fell on me and.. I couldn't breathe.Ó 

Gabrielle put a kiss over the darkened spot across her back. ÒI had a run in with É I think it was Artemis.Ó

Xena's shoulders twitched. ÒArtemis?Ó

ÒThat was the second time Ares showed up.Ó The bard confirmed. ÒWe got ambushed in the path, we stopped to investigate some dead bodies.. Amazons... and a bunch of soldiers jumped us.  Next thing I know one of them is coming at me and telling me to kneel down.Ó

Xena snorted.

ÒYeah, well.. let me tell you something. I found out right then I'm not you. She grabbed hold of me with some light or something and it was like.. ÒGabrielle paused. ÒI couldn't move.. I couldn't breathe. My chest wouldn't move – that's when Ares showed up and made her stop it.Ó

Xena was staring straight ahead. ÒI think I felt that.Ó

ÒEverything else stopped moving.Ó The bard went on. ÒIt was weird.Ó

ÒShe took you out of time.Ó Xena answered, slowly. ÒI couldn't sense you anywhere.Ó

Gabrielle's hands stilled. ÒOh.Ó

ÒBad moment.Ó

'Yeah.Ó Gabrielle leaned forward, so their bodies were pressed together. ÒSo I get the feeling that this whole war thing is a big deal up there. Ares said he thinks Zeus wants to give whoever wins this war his job.Ó

ÒSo that's why he wants us to stop it.Ó Xena reasoned. ÒThat makes sense.Ó She patted Gabrielle's leg and stood up, picking up a piece of linen and wetting it before she started cleaning herself off.  ÒAnd I bet part of the challenge is to get both armies led by women to prove the point that they're good at it.Ó

ÒWith everyone dying in the middle.Ó Gabrielle joined her in cleaning up.  ÒThat pisses me off.Ó


ÒSo, no matter what we do, we play their game with this.Ó The bard frowned. ÒXena, that sucks.Ó

Xena pulled her hair back and knotted it. ÒYeah.Ó She said. ÒBut if I'm choosing between helping Ares and helping those other jokers, I'll pick Ares.Ó

Gabrielle thought about that, and then she nodded. ÒMe too.Ó She admitted. ÒItÕs just all so stupid.Ó

The warrior slipped out of her leathers and threw a shift on in their place, shaking them out and shaking her head at all the sand that flew out from them in every direction. ÒNo wonder I feel so damn raw.Ó

Gabrielle pulled her own shift from her bags and traded her traveling gear for it.  This would likely be the only bit of peace they get and she wanted to make the most of it.  She went over and put her arms around Xena and hugged her, savoring the feel as their bodies connected fully. 'I don't really care what we end up doing tomorrow.  I'm just glad we found you, and we're together again.Ó

ÒMe too.Ó Xena returned the hug. ÒLet's get some rest.Ó

They finally coaxed Dori into lying down; putting her pallet as close to the edge of the pony's stall as was practical. The sounds outside had died down completely, and through the stable's shuttered windows they could hear the wash of the sea against the harbor.

Xena settled into their joined pallets closest to the door, and rolled onto her back as Gabrielle joined her, snuggling up to her and twining their bodies together.

They both exhaled at the same time, and Xena chuckled a little. 

ÒI think this is the first time I've been able to relax since you left Amphipolis.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒEven when I was in the village, I was on edge the whole time.Ó

Xena rubbed her back.  ÒGetting on that boat was tough.Ó She admitted.  ÒGlad it's over.Ó

Gabrielle thought about that, remembering herself the last time they'd been separated by the sea. It wasn't the same this time, she knew it and she knew Xena knew it, but still, the memories stung.  ÒSorry, Xe.Ó She snuggled closer, slipping her arms around her partner.

ÒThanks for the notes.Ó  Xena let her eyes close.

ÒThanks for the presents.Ó  Her partner responded with a faint chuckle.

Silence settled over them.  The stable was full of small noises, though, the horses moving around, and the clink of water buckets being pushed against the stall walls.  Xena had opened the shuttered window over where they were lying, and she could hear the scuff of boots on the stone outside, and the faint clash of armor.

Voices floated in the air, a touch of laughter.  She thought she recognized Ephiny's tone and Solaris. 

There were a lot of people here expecting her to find a way out of this, the warrior acknowledged privately.  She'd promised Denius, for one thing, and the people Gabrielle had brought with her were all looking to her for leadership.  The city patricians, drawn out of hiding as the fighting slowed down seemed to expect it too.

But really, what was she going to do?  Gather the conscripts and newly joined farmers in the city and lead them against an army ten times their number?


What would that do, aside from getting a lot of them killed? It would feed right into the damn goddesses bet.  It would work against Ares. It would possibly be deadly to her, and those who would stand with her regardless.

What actual choices did she have?

Take her gang and escape the city?  Run down the coast?  She'd told everyone she wasn't going to be a part of this war, right up until she had to convince Denius to turn the ship around. How much was that promise worth?

What in Hades was she going to do?

Xena felt Gabrielle's breathing, warm against her neck, and she decided to put the problems away for a while so she could enjoy this reunion.  

She let her cheek rest against Gabrielle's head, absorbing the sensation of having her wrapped up in her arms again. Her body relaxed and she felt sleep calling her, a smile on her face as she let the stable around them fade away.


Xena wasn't sure what had woken her.  She stiffened, and lifted her head off her makeshift pillow, feeling Gabrielle wake and tighten her grip on her. 

ÒWhat?Ó Gabrielle uttered, almost sub vocally.

Xena shook her head, ears twitching. It was still very quiet outside.   She figured it was a candlemark or more before dawn, and outside in the back alley, she could still hear the soft rasp of the watch, walking up and own the stone street.

Was it a sound that had disturbed her? Brought her out of a sweet dream full of sunlight and laughter?

A puff of air blew in through the window, and she flared her nostrils, catching the smell of smoke, with an acrid hint on it.  She took a breath, and felt Gabrielle release her, the bard rolling off her side of the pallet and getting to her feet just as Xena did.

She didn't have to tell Gabrielle what to do. The bard was already getting her staff, and changing from her shift into her clothing just as Xena was slipping into her leathers and snuggling the straps tight.   They both pulled boots on and headed for the door, Gabrielle pausing to kneel next to Dori's pallet.

A moment later they were at the door, Xena clipping her sword to her back as she eased the big wooden portal open. She paused, aware of the solid figure at her back as Gabrielle put a hand on her shoulder.

They slid out into the street and moved over to the edge of the steps that led up to the inn.  Xena stopped there, surveying the faintly starlit road that ran along the harbor.

The encampment looked quiet. There were figures rolled up in furs near the cookpit, and two men standing guard a little way down.


Xena swept the area again, unable to detect anything out of place.  Torches fluttered down the road, and she wondered if it was that scent, the tar pitch tainted smoke that had alerted her.

Gabrielle edged up next to her; sleep disheveled hair just visible in the faint light.   She leaned against her staff, and rested her free hand on Xena's hip.  She didn't make a sound, but she looked up at her partner in obvious question.

About to admit to seeing phantoms, Xena paused as she heard the faint shift of a body against stone, somewhere above them.  She put her finger against her lips, and pointed.

Gabrielle's head tipped up and she regarded the window over their heads, then she tightened her fingers on Xena's side as they saw a flare of light, then a blast of fire as they both ducked instinctively. 

Xena pulled them both against the steps, and then she drew her sword as she heard rapid footsteps on the stairs.  The guards started running towards them, and doors started slamming in the inn, accompanied by shouts that rang out in the stillness.

She waited until she sensed the closeness of the body moving down the steps and then she reached over the railing, grabbing the personÕs arm and hauling them over the side of the steps and then against the wall with a solid crunch.

The figure bounced off and went for her, but was stopped by the crack of Gabrielle's staff as she swung it against the figures head.

They reeled back and slumped against the wall, just as the guards arrived and Pony rattled down the steps with her sword drawn.

ÒNice.Ó Xena patted her partner's shoulder. ÒDamn I missed having you around.Ó She ducked forward and grabbed the slumped figure on the ground and swung it around so the torchlight from the guards shone on their face.  She paused for a second, and then released the dark tunic. ÒFigures.Ó

ÒWho is that?Ó Gabrielle peered over her shoulder.

ÒOne of those stupid bitch Amazons.Ó Pony supplied, coming around the end of the steps and sheathing her sword. ÒFrom our ship. That sorry ass consort.Ó

They all turned to look at the room, which was issuing smoke out the window along with licks of flame.  The stone of the walls was staining with black soot.

ÒXena.Ó Gabrielle stared down at the woman. ÒAre you telling me this is an Amazon, and she was trying to hurt us? That's the room we were supposed to be in.Ó

ÒDon't surprise me.Ó Pony said. ÒThose two were part of the group that had me and Eph hog tied and were gonna sell us.Ó

Gabrielle's jaw dropped. ÒWait.Ó She said. ÒWhat?Ó

ÒWe didn't have time to catch you up on stuff.Ó Pony said.  ÒWant me to go find this creep's friend?'   She glanced behind her as Ephiny appeared.

A crowd was gathering now.  Xena picked up the Amazon and shoved her against the stairs, smacking her across the face to get her out of the foggy stupor Gabrielle's staff had put her in.  ÒWake up, sunshine.Ó

The woman shook her head and glared at Xena. ÒBitch.Ó

ÒAmateur.Ó The warrior responded mildly. ÒYou set that fire?Ó She pointed at the window.

The woman just stared at her.

Xena reached forward, jabbing her fingers into the Amazons pressure points.  She slumped back onto the ground and jerked, her eyes bugging out as she tried to move and couldnÕt.  ÒTalkÓ

She was aware, in her peripheral senses, of a disturbance behind her but kept her attention focused on the Amazon, knowing Gabrielle had her back.

And as she thought that, she realized abruptly why sheÕd nearly died in the hold of the ship, under that wall that had fallen on top of her.   ÒTalk.Ó She repeated to the woman. ÒYouÕve got about a count of thirty, then you die.Ó

ÒI set it!Ó The woman coughed at her. ÒToo bad you werenÕt in there you traitor!Ó

Xena released the points, coming over her center of balance as she waited for the woman to react.  Behind her, she heard footsteps and yelling, and the Amazon before her glanced behind her and couldnÕt avoid a triumphant expression.   She grabbed the woman by the throat and shoved her against the wall, just as she sensed Ephiny reacting and heard the sweetly distinctive crack of GabrielleÕs staff against something hard.

She had nearly died on that ship, because sheÕd lived so long now what that presence at her back, that sheÕd forgotten what it was like not to have it, and she hadnÕt heard a yell of warning Gabrielle would have given if she had been.

Sobering thought. ÒWhat makes you think IÕm a traitor?Ó She asked the Amazon, who tore her gaze from whatever was going on behind them to face her.   ÒDonÕt worry about your girlfriend.  If sheÕs lucky and not as stupid as you are, sheÕll only get bruised.Ó

ÒYou told the councilman you wouldnÕt fight the Spartans.Ó The Amazon said, looking as though she wanted to spit at Xena.  ÒAfter all your big talk! YouÕre nothing but a damned coward!Ó

Xena heard a few more whacks behind her.  ÒI didnÕt say that.Ó She stood and hauled the woman up with her, turning and spotting Gabrielle swinging hard at an older Amazon and sending her drawn sword flying off into the crowd.  ÒI said I wouldnÕt lead a hundred farmboys against them.Ó 

A loud whistle caught her attention, and she turned, her eyes sweeping the area looking for the source. Then she spotted a figure on slope waving their arms. ÒEph, see whatÕs up with Cait.Ó She pointed with an elbow.  The Amazon regent turned and shoved her way through the crowd. 

Footsteps behind her.   ÒXena!Ó  Jens ran up panting. ÒSpartans are coming at the gates!Ó He gasped out, one hand to his chest. ÒComing down the road!Ó

Xena glanced at the Amazon struggling in her grip, then she released one hand and slugged her, knocking her out. Then she stepped between Gabrielle and her reeling adversary, as the other Amazon came stumbling back at them and did the same for her.  ÒSorry to interrupt your fun.Ó She said. ÒWeÕve got bigger problems.Ó

ÒWho in Hades are these people?Ó Gabrielle was fuming.  ÒXena she was trying to stab you in the back!Ó

ÒXena!Ó Ephiny bolted over and jumped the rail. ÒCait says thereÕs a fleet out there heading for the harbor.Ó

ÒWay bigger problems.Ó The warrior glanced around. ÒJens, sound the horns and wake everyone up. Get everyone on the walls with crossbows and arrows and start a pit fire going to boil pitch.Ó

ÒOn the way.Ó Jens signaled to two of his men and hastened away from the group gathered at the foot of the stairs.  Xena walked to the edge of the road and peered at the cliff top, where Cait was now standing, her back facing them staring out at the sea beyond.

ÒLooks like the plans just changed.Ó Pony came over to stand next to Xena. 

ÒYeah.Ó  Xena considered.  A thousand Spartans at the gates, and a fleet coming to hit the harbor.  Time to go the route of prudence?

ÒWant me to toss those jokers into the jailhouse down there?Ó Pony asked, with unconcealed glee.  ÒNo sense letting them loose to poke you in the ass again.Ó

ÒSure.Ó Xena said. ÒWhile youÕre down there, find some sailors and someone who can steer a boat. Send em up here.Ó

ÒRight.Ó Pony looked around. ÒHey, Fuzzy. Wanna give me a hand?Ó

ÒSure.Ó Jessan grabbed one of the women and tossed her body easily over one shoulder.  ÒYou thinking of getting out of here on that tub, Xena?Ó He pointed at the broken down vessel and lowered his voice.  ÒLooks pretty beat up.Ó

ÒNot exactly.Ó The warrior said.  ÒGet back here soon as you can.  I gotta figure out what weÕre going to do to push em off.Ó

ÒGot it, Chosen.Ó  Jessan motioned one of his troop to follow with the other Amazon and they trooped after Pony, who led them down the stepped hillside towards the waterfront.

ÒXena.Ó Gabrielle got a word in edgewise. ÒWhat was that all about? Why was she trying to hurt you?Ó

ÒSheÕs an idiot.Ó Ephiny joined them.  ÒThose two were part of the hunting party who were gathering the tribes. They were the leaders, I guess.Ó  She put her hands on her hips. ÒThey didnÕt like me and Pon.. I figure she realized after we got ambushed we were either more valuable or higher ranking than they were so they ended up jumping us and knocking us out cold.Ó

ÒYou got ambushed?Ó Gabrielle put a hand on her head and looked over at Xena. ÒIÕm going to be six moons catching up with all this and you were only gone a sevenday. You better not either of you ever say I make things happen ever again!Ó

Ephiny chuckled.  ÒOkay.Ó She turned to Xena ÒWhat can I do?Ó

ÒYou can watch my child.Ó Gabrielle pointed at the barn.  ÒPaybacks are a bitch.Ó   She grabbed XenaÕs arm and turned her around. ÒPanic in the streets hon, I think they need you.Ó

A huge crowd was, in fact, gathering in the streets and there was more than a little panic in them.  Xena felt, for a short moment, very overwhelmed by this acceleration of the war past what sheÕd expected.  She hadnÕt started with a plan, and the sudden waking and even more sudden attack by Amazons hadnÕt helped her in developing one.  

Nevertheless, she didnÕt really have time to be at a loss.  ÒOkay, letÕs go up to the gates and see what weÕve got.Ó She put a hand on GabrielleÕs back, and steered her towards the alleyway between the houses. ÒTake the back row.Ó

They squeezed between the walls and emerged in the small roadway in back of the villas, no doubt there to provide a way for the servants to bring provisions up and to take the garbage away before the high paying patrons could see it.

It was narrow and crooked, and mostly empty. Xena and Gabrielle loped down it at a good clip, the air around them lightening as dawn started to break over the city, a gray light with a hint of rose at itÕs edges.  ÒThanks, by the way.Ó Xena said, after theyÕd been on the move for a couple minutes.

ÒFor?Ó  Gabrielle had her staff in one fist, carrying it slanted to prevent it from hitting the steps.

ÒWatching my back before.Ó

Gabrielle gave her a strange look. ÒHuh?Ó  She said, after a moment.  ÒWhat was I supposed to do?Ó

Xena drew her sword, feeling a prickle along her senses. ÒExactly what you did.Ó She swept the path ahead of them intently. ÒI just realized how much I missed it.Ó

ÒOh.Ó The bardÕs face twitched into a grin.  ÒNo problem.Õ

The path in front of them abruptly erupted into a swarm of dark armor, coming at them fast up the slope. 

ÒProblem.Ó  Xena sighed. ÒDamn it.Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Gabrielle got her staff up, moving it mostly forward so as not to whack her beloved soulmate in the kneecaps. ÒDidnÕt even get a chance to have a cup of tea to wake up to.Ó

ÒMake it up to you.Ó Xena let out a yell and bounded up into the air, swinging her sword down to meet the first of the Spartans attacking them.

There were six.  But theyÕd picked a very bad spot to ambush them from and Xena was momentarily almost disappointed as she was able to power her way through the guard of the soldier and knock him to his knees as he fought to defend from a lower position working his way up the steps.

It was too narrow for the others to help him, and any attempt brought stinging whacks from GabrielleÕs staff from where the bard was positioned behind her.


The warrior ducked gracefully, hearing an arrow go over her head and hit the stone wall.

Another pair of hands. Another pair of eyes.  She stepped back and slid to one side, as Gabrielle slammed her staff into the manÕs head and he toppled back down the stairs into the way of his companions.

Another focus.  Xena unsheathed her dagger and let it fly as the next man in line aimed at GabrielleÕs chest, nailing him unerringly in the throat right between the bottom of his helmet and the top of his armor. He dropped the crossbow and fell backwards, and they advanced after him.

Stalking their ambushers.  In the gloom it was hard to see features and Xena found herself battling a man taller than she was even with the step advantage and being pushed back against the wall as a second engaged Gabrielle with a mace.  ÒHey!Ó She yelled in warning.

Gabrielle ducked in response, and then brought her staff up in a short, hard arc as the soldier backswung, meeting the shaft of the weapon on hers in a solid crack.

Xena kept her in her peripheral vision as she squared off against the monster in front of her, raising her sword and meeting his on a sideways slant as he tried to bash through her defenses.  The sudden challenge to her skills woke her up thoroughly and she got her back to the wall as she twisted her shoulders to one side, and then ducked and turned, bringing his sword with hers around in a circle in the tight spot.

Their swords clashed and grated down their length to the hilts, and Xena shoved against the pressure with all her strength as her eyes caught a flicker of motion and without really thinking she lashed out with one boot and knocked the knife heading for Gabrielle out of the air.

ÒShow off.Ó Gabrielle returned the compliment, smacking XenaÕs opponent in the head and then poking the end of her staff right at her own opponentsÕ groin.

Xena dropped onto her back, surprising the man who had been trying to overpower her. He lurched forward, and she got her boots up and into his chest as he fell, his weight pressing against her before she straightened up and kicked him backwards.

The last soldier dodged him and was on her before she could roll up to her feet, throwing himself past his companion engaged with Gabrielle and onto her with arms outstretched, pinning her down.

Xena tucked her blade under her thigh and grappled with him, grabbing the hands that were grasping her throat and yanking them back as she evaded what she suspected was an attempted bite.  She didnÕt make the mistake of slamming her own head into his helmeted one, but she got a knee up between his legs and as he twisted to avoid the impact she released one of his hands and jammed the heel of her hand up against his chin shooting his head backwards.

He grunted as his teeth snapped shut and she got a grip on his helmet and ripped it off.   The end of GabrielleÕs staff promptly came down on top of it, and a moment later he was slumping to the side next to her and it was quiet again.

Gabrielle was standing over her last adversary, legs braced and her hands wrapped around her staff. Her breathing was a little fast, and she had a little pink in her cheeks and in the rose dawn light Xena considered the sight more than beautiful.

ÒWhat?Ó Gabrielle tilted her head.  ÒWhatÕs that grin for?Ó

ÒNothing.Ó Xena sat up and dusted her hands off.   The man sheÕd kicked backwards had hit his head on the stone steps, and was currently sprawled motionless, leaving them for the moment with no further opponents.

ÒSo, who let these guys up here?Ó The bard asked. ÒAnd why didnÕt anyone come running when they heard all this noise?Ó

Two good questions. Xena got to her feet, sheathing her sword and shaking her armor back into place.  ÒMaybe itÕs all the commotion at the gate.Ó

Gabrielle looked skeptical.

ÒOr maybe some folks donÕt want the city to fight back.Ó The warrior concluded, advancing on the tall soldier sheÕd so recently been fighting and rolling him over with a jerk of her boot.  ÒLetÕs find out.Ó

But the manÕs eyes were staring and open, a dagger hilt protruding from his stomach.  Xena stared at it in surprise, leaning closer to look at it as she realized it wasnÕt hers.  ÒWhat in Hades?Ó

The manÕs hand flopped to the ground lifeless.

ÒXena. Did he do that himself?Ó  Gabrielle looked quickly around.

ÒMust have.Ó The warrior murmured.  ÒI didnÕt drawÉ mine.Ó She checked her sheaths to be sure. ÒJust the one.. ÒShe walked over and examined one of the fallen soldiers. ÒYeah, this is it.Ó She yanked her dagger out of the manÕs neck, where it had cut right through his jugular.

One by one, she checked the Spartans, and found them all dead. Either from her hand, or their own, and she frowned, aware of GabrielleÕs close attention at her shoulder.  ÒHuh.Ó

ÒXena, did they kill themselves? All of them?Ó

ÒLooks like it.Ó Xena indicated the path. ÒLetÕs get to the wall.  SomethingÕs not adding up right here. SpartansÉ Ò

ÒMaybe they were ashamed of being beaten by women?Ó Gabrielle followed at her heels.  ÒThey seemed that type. When Solari and her gang beat them up back home they ran off, remember?Ó

ÒHuh.Ó Xena grunted again, speeding up her pace.  ÒMaybe.Ó 


Xena thought about that. ÒThey did say they didnÕt consider women fit opponents.Ó She said. ÒDidnÕt they?Ó

ÒMom said they were totally freaked out when Solari and the gang started beating on them.Ó


They traveled down the narrow path, meeting no one else until they reached the bottom and emerged into one of the main streets, which was filled with nervous citizens and men in half armor.  They parted as they spotted Xena and made way for them.

ÒXena!Ó Denius pushed his way through the crowd.   ÒXena! WhatÕs the meaning of this!Ó?

Xena kept moving.  ÒMeaning of what.Ó She went past him, grabbing his arm and hauling him along as she headed for the entrance to the lower town.  ÒThe Spartan armyÕs at the gates. You think I sent for em?Ó

ÒDidnÕt you send to parley with them?Ó The patrician hurried to keep up, more or less ignoring Gabrielle.  ÒThatÕs the word that came back to us, that you had gone to make a deal with them.Ó

ÒWhat were you drinking?Ó The warrior wondered.  ÒI didnÕt do anything last night except sleep.Ó


GabrielleÕs fingers tightened on her staff at the tone.  ÒDespite popular opinion to the contrary, she does that at night. Occasionally.Ó She paused. ÒGenerally with me.Ó

Denius glanced at her, and then returned his attention to Xena.  ÒWith an army bearing down on us!?Ó

Xena ignored him.  She scanned the open space in front of the gates, a flash of memory hitting her from the previous night.   She remembered riding through the now closed portal, driving Iolaus through the crowd and spotting Gabrielle on the fringe, sharing a hug with Ephiny and Eponin.

Relief and happiness had turned her dismount into a headlong run and she vaguely remembered bowling over everything in her way including a donkey in her haste to get to her partner.

ÒXena, IÕm talking to you.Ó

She wasnÕt going to make this any damned last stand.

The warrior turned her head towards Denius. ÒWhat did you expect me to do?Ó She asked.  ÒGo out there and fight them all off?  ItÕs a damned army, Denius.  We donÕt have enough men here to take the battle to them.Ó


But.  Xena looked around, and spotted the pile of Spartan bodies from the late battles of yesterday.  Her eyes narrowed.

ÒGenrÕl, got us some pitch boiling but..Ó Bennu limped up to her. ÒBastards are comin right at us.Ó

ÒTake those bodies.Ó Xena let out a yell, turning and pointing at the pile. . ÒGet that half wagon over here, and put a couple of them in the bed. CÕmon! Move it!Ó

Conscripts and volunteers rushed over to do her bidding, half afraid and half excited, bumping into each other in their rush.

Denius reached out to grab XenaÕs arm and found himself blocked by a long, hardened stick. He jerked back and stared as Gabrielle put herself between them. ÒGet out of my way.Ó

ÒYou really do need to let Xena do what she does.Ó  Gabrielle said, conversationally. ÒAsking her questions just pisses her off.Ó

ÒTake their leggings off!Ó

The men turned and stared at her, then back at the Spartan dead. 

ÒJust do it!Ó Xena ordered. ÒStrip their asses naked and get em on the cart!Ó

ÒYou heard the genrÕl!Ó Bennu fell into the plan without hesitation. ÒMove it!Ó

Xena helped the men pull the half wagon into position, and waited for them to place the Spartan bodies on the back of it. ÒOkay, I need a lot of volunteers.Ó She directed them in pushing the wagon to a specific position, and then she grabbed a spare board from a trough nearby and slapped it over the yoke, grabbing a rope and lashing it into place.  ÒGrab that bench there, and put it near the wall.Ó

ÒWhat is she doing?Ó Denius asked, sidetracked by all the action.

Gabrielle grounded her staff and wrapped her hand around it.  ÒI think she found an angle.Ó


The bard watched them set up the makeshift catapult and exhaled. ÒThey should be careful what they ask for.Ó



Xena leaned against the wall, watching through the arrow slit. ÒGet ready!Ó She called over her shoulder.   Ahead of her, stretching across the flat area leading up to the city was the Spartan army in all its glory.    One of the siege engines had survived the trip up from Amphipolis, but the two others Gabrielle had reported were nowhere to be seen.

There were also wagons close to breaking down that her knowledgeable eye spotted, and the horses in the front legion looked exhausted.

Hard ride.  Xena figured theyÕd marched on short rations and even shorter sleep in order to catch up with her soulmate – only to get here and find out they hadnÕt.

So, she reasoned they had only a few options here.  They could no longer stop Gabrielle from sending a warning. They likely thought the warning had already traveled on, and in fact, it had so long as the captain hadnÕt gotten caught by that fleet coming crawling up her back.

To get to the fleet, they had to conquer the city.  The fleet was their only option of escape, since any response from Athens would come down the coast so either they got onboard, or they went back the way they came.

Xena didnÕt want them going back the way they came.  She scratched her jaw thoughtfully.  

The front ranks broke, and a group of riders started to approach down the road, the man in front carrying the Spartan war banner seated in his stirrup.

ÒLooks like they want to talk.Ó Gabrielle pressed in behind her, putting a hand on XenaÕs shoulder to steady her balance as she peered through the slit.  ÒThink they know weÕre in here?Ó

ÒThey will in a minute.Ó Xena raised one hand and waited until the advance party was close enough, and it looked like they were about to stop and make a pronouncement.  She let her hand fall.  The sound of a heavy weight landing on wood followed, and then there was thwacking noise that soon followed.

Xena didnÕt watch. She kept her eye on the Spartans as they sorted themselves out then jumped, and looked up.  A yell went up and the horses scattered in every direction as a body fell heavily to the ground, smacking the legs of the horse of the banner carrier who reared and almost dumped the man on his ass.

It was grotesque, in all the senses of that word.  Half naked, the bodyÕs stiff limbs were rakishly askew and the Spartans scrambled around it, one of the men sliding off his horse to turn the body over.

ÒDonÕt think they liked that, Xe.Ó Gabrielle mused.

ÒWerenÕt supposed to.Ó  Xena lifted her hand again. ÒGet another one on there!Ó She yelled over her shoulder, then turned back to see the Spartans staring at the gate.

ÒGo!Ó Xena dropped her hand again, rewarded by seeing another Spartan body fly over the wall, twisting as it went.  ÒThatÕs pretty good for a makeshift catapult, huh?Ó

Gabrielle exhaled, turning her back on the weapon. She was more used to war than most, but the dead, staring faces were putting a chill of horror down her spine she found she had little defense against. She felt a little raw, the strong smell of blood and hint of death on the air making her grimace.

Xena glanced up at her, one hand reaching out to rest on her partnerÕs thigh.  She could see, suddenly, the exhaustion the nightÕs rest hadnÕt touched, and as Gabrielle looked back at her, there was a shadow of her much younger self there.  ÒHey.Ó She curled her arm around the bardÕs leg. ÒYou okay?Ó

Gabrielle put a hand on her shoulder and leaned, just a little. ÒTired.Ó She said. ÒToo much blood lately.Ó She traced an idle pattern across the warriorÕs skin.  ÒOne too many nightmares maybe.Ó

Xena kept hold of her, as she turned and studied the result of her attack. The Spartans were now riding around in a tight circle, watching the sky as two of their numbers were struggling to get their dead compatriots up on to their horses.

The horses didnÕt like the idea. They could smell the blood and the beginning of decay and made it clear they didnÕt want that anywhere near their backs.  ÒReady!Ó Xena lifted her hand, judging the sharp, jerky gestures of the envoy.  ÒGo!Ó

Another hollow sound, another body flying over the wall.  As Xena suspected, this was too much for the men, who scattered as the body hit the dirt next to them and a half severed arm went flying all the way off.

Xena glanced up, watching GabrielleÕs somber profile.  ÒTheyÕre dead anyway.Ó She said. ÒIf I can use them to knock the Spartans off balance so theyÕll deal with me, we all win.Ó

ÒIÕm not.. Ô Gabrielle leaned a little more. ÒHon, IÕm not judging what youÕre doing.Ó

ÒYou look like itÕs bothering you.Ó

ÒXe.Ó The bard sighed. ÒIÕve had a tough week and IÕm about to start cycling. Give me a break, okay?Ó She watched the crowd watching Xena instead of the catapult.  ÒCaitÕs heading this way.Ó

The warrior watched the Spartans retreat back towards their lines, dragging the dead soldiers with them as the sun lifted up over the trees and drenched them in anything but appropriate gentle pink light.

ÒHold!Ó Xena called over to her erstwhile troops.   ÒLetÕs see what that does.Ó   She half turned. ÒKeep an eye on them, Jens.Ó

The Athenian soldier gave her a salute, and went back to his own arrow slit, pressing his face to the wall as he watched.

Xena swiveled around and bumped her shoulder against GabrielleÕs hip.  She felt the bard press against her, as they both watched Cait approach with Milena at her heels, descending from the road up to the harbor, followed at a trot by Iolaus.  ÒKnow what I feel like/Ó

ÒWhat?Ó Gabrielle ran the fingers of one hand through her partnerÕs unruly hair.   ÒI sure could use a cup of cider or something.  Want me to go find some?Ó

ÒThat and a piece of bread and cheese.Ó The warrior agreed. ÒI figure theyÕre going to spend a quarter candlemark getting pissed off then try their next approach.  Maybe IÕll go out to meet them.Ó

ÒWe will go out to meet them.Ó Gabrielle corrected her.

Xena tickled her calf. ÒOf course we.Ó She amended. ÒAfter all, weÕre the ones the stupid bastards are looking for.Ó

Gabrielle ruffled her hair, then leaned over and kissed the top of the warriorÕs head, before she eased herself out of XenaÕs grip and started towards an area where city folk were gathering and collecting supplies.

Xena watched her, until Cait mounted the ledge that ran along the inside of the wall and climbed up to where she was sitting.  ÒAny luck?Ó

ÒRather.Ó Cait half turned as Milena and Iolaus joined them.  ÒWe found about six men who said they could sail that boat out you mentioned.Ó She said. ÒBut they say it wontÕ sail far. ItÕs broken.Ó

ÒWe knew that.Ó Milena spoke up. ÒIÕm sure Xena wasnÕt looking to run away in it. Were you?Ó

Cait turned so fast she was almost a blur. ÒNow look here.Ó She grabbed Milena and shook her hard. ÒStop saying such dumb things before I thrash you.Ó

ÒLet me go!Ó Milena grappled with her.  Cait was slimmer than she was, and perhaps an inch or two shorter, but the Amazon was all whipcord and iron and she didnÕt budge. ÒYou littleÉÓ

Iolaus came over and sat down next to Xena.  ÒSo.Ó He said, observing the struggle. ÒWe going to watch until Gabrielle gets back to adjudicate?Ó He asked. ÒMy dinars are on that Amazon.  I saw her climb that cliff.Ó

ÒNo.Ó Xena whistled. ÒCait!Ó

Cait released her victim and turned, coming back over to Xena. ÒSorry about that.Ó  She said. ÒAnyway, the sailors said theyÕd work the ship.Ó 

ÒDonÕt.Ó Xena looked past her at Milena, her voice suddenly cold and sharp.  She waited to make sure the woman wasnÕt going to do anything stupid, and then she turned back to Cait.  ÒTell the sailors to load as much straw and pitch onto the ship as they can.  Get it into the harbor entrance, in the narrow part.Ó

ÒAnd set it on fire to block the opening.Ó Cait finished. ÒSplendid idea, Xena.Ó She said. ÒMay I go with them? I know exactly what you mean.Ó

Xena studied her. ÒBe careful.Ó She said. ÒWe canÕt afford to lose you.Ó

Cait grinned wholeheartedly.  Then she turned and raced off, heading at full speed towards the harbor road. 

ÒThat cuts us off from any rescue from the Athenian navy.Ó Iolaus commented.  ÒBut IÕm guessing you think they wontÕ be in time anyway.Ó

ÒRight now, theyÕre the least of my concerns.Ó Xena stood up as she spotted Gabrielle making her way back. ÒJessan!Ó She lifted her voice, projecting it towards the forest dweller who was halfway up the slope. He turned and waved. ÒBring our horses down?Ó Xena indicated herself and Gabrielle.  ÒWeÕre gonna go parley.Ó

Jessan waved and started up at a trot.

Milena watched him leave, and then she turned back to Xena.  ÒWhy did you stop me? Afraid IÕd hurt your little kid there?Ó

ÒNo.Ó Xena leaned back against the wall. ÒI didnÕt want you to end up with a knife in your gut.  Cait has less of a sense of humor than I do.Ó

ÒThat kid?Ó

ÒThat kid is a full Amazon warrior.Ó Xena said. ÒAnd sheÕs family of mine.Ó She half turned and glanced through the arrow slit, seeing the Spartans still milling around, the group that had approached them surrounded by a big group of compatriots.

Milena snorted. ÒYou sure arenÕt picky with who you call family are you?Ó

Slowly, the warrior turned back around, her eyes rapidly cooling to an icy almost gray.

ÒExcuse me.Ó Gabrielle came up behind Milena, her hands mostly full. ÒDonÕt want to spill this on you. ItÕs cold.Ó

Milena turned her head and stared at her for a moment, then reluctantly stepped aside.   ÒSpeaking of.Ó

Gabrielle merely gave her an amused look as she settled on the rock ledge next to her partner. She set down one mug of the two in her hand, and passed the other over. ÒHere you go, hon.Ó She patted Xena on the leg.  ÒItÕs pear cider.Ó

ÒThanks.Ó Xena took the mug and took a long, deliberate sip from it, as the pulses of red anger faded from her suddenly focused vision.  SheÕd understood the disparaging reference and the tone in MilenaÕs voice and had come very close to something very violent.

Her temper on the edge of snapping so quickly it shocked her.   She exhaled slowly, tasting the cold cider finally through the copper tang in her mouth.

She could tell from the girlÕs smirk that she knew sheÕd gotten to her.  She could see the disdain in her eyes when she looked at Gabrielle.  It started a deep burn of anger in her guts that put a twitch in her fingers as her body shifted restlessly in pure reaction.

ÒI was listening to the stonemasons.Ó Gabrielle said, apparently oblivious. ÒThey think the walls will last maybe a day, against that catapult outside.Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Xena answered briefly. ÒWe need to take that out of action.Ó

Gabrielle took a bite of bread and cheese, then ripped off another and offered it to Xena.  ÒCÕmon, open up.Ó

Caught between her growing anger and embarrassment at the offering, Xena turned her head to meet her partnerÕs eyes and saw the wry, wicked amusement there looking back at her.   She sighed soundlessly, but opened her mouth and took the bite, feeling her lips twitch just a little as the bard winked at her.

ÒXena, you think theyÕll send anyone climbing the cliffs there, trying to get over the wall that way?Ó Iolaus pointed to the distance, where the ridge of rock that the city was built over met the stone.  ÒThey might.Ó

ÒMight.Ó Xena conceded. ÒHave them bring buckets of lard from the kitchens up there and spill it down over the stone while weÕre out there talking.  Just in case.Ó

Iolaus regarded her. ÒNice.Ó He said, after a pause.

ÒAnd itÕs oily. You can set it on fire if they keep trying.Ó  Xena continued.  ÒIf we run out of dead bodies to toss at em.Ó

Gabrielle winced.

ÒHey, your maj.Ó  Solari climbed up to join them. ÒWe found the armory.Ó She held up a big fistful of well-made arrows.  ÒPon found like a dozen maybe two Amazons down in town too. They missed the last boat, but they want in on the action.Ó

ÒTwo dozen?Ó Gabrielle mused.  ÒIs that good or bad?Ó

ÒThey seem okay.Ó  Solari said. ÒThey got here after all the crazy stuff happened.  They heard of ya.Ó She grinned at her queen.

ÒAh heh.Ó The bard cleared her throat. ÒIs that good or bad?Ó

ÒThey wanted to pay me to bring em up here to meet ya.Ó  The Amazon warrior assured her.  ÒSo I think itÕs good yeah?Ó

ÒYeah.Ó  Gabrielle finally smiled. ÒWe can meet up with them later once we get back.Ó  She glanced past Solari and found Milena watching her.  ÒI think IÕm the ranking queen here, matter of fact.Ó

The girl looked away, returning her attention to Xena.

ÒProbly true.Ó  Solari agreed, oblivious to the drama behind her.

ÒSo youÕll end up fighting anyway, Xena?Ó Milena asked. ÒSo much for staying out of it.. or was that, you were going to lead the armies?Ó She added. ÒDo you just come up with different stories every time?Ó

ÒHere.Ó Gabrielle diverted XenaÕs attention with another bite of bread. ÒShe doesnÕt come up with the stories. ThatÕs my job.Ó  She commented casually. ÒBut anyone who knows anything about war knows your plans change in time to the battle youÕre fighting.Ó  She leaned closer and blew in the warriorÕs ear.  ÒRight, Xe?Ó

Xena truly wanted to be angry.  But her body simply gave up on that, unable to maintain the cold rage faced with the sweet affection in the bardÕs eyes, and the mischievous grin.  ÒGaabbriellle.Ó

ÒXeeena.Ó  The bard burred right back at her.

 It was a frustrating, funny, exasperating sensation and Xena finally just gave into it, dismissing MilenaÕs jibes.  ÒWhatever you say, my queen.Ó   She drawled.  ÒAbout time we tried it your way first.  IÕm tired of beating the crap out of everyone this moon.Ó

ÒYouÕre tired of it?Ó  Gabrielle rested her head against her.  ÒIf we pull this off IÕm going back with you to Athens just so I can stand on the steps of the Bards Academy and tell the whole damn city about it.Ó

ÒThought you didnÕt like Athens.Ó  Xena saw Jessan on his way down from the hilltop, the equine Iolaus and GabrielleÕs gray Shadow behind him.  She watched MilenaÕs face from the corner of her eye as she draped her arm over her partnerÕs shoulders and saw the girl turn away. 

ÒI donÕt.Ó Gabrielle shared her bread.  ÒI just like bragging about you.Ó

Xena chuckled wryly.   She felt the anger fading away, and she turned her mind instead to what she could say to the Spartans once they rode out the gates.

And they would, just ride out of the gates. Her and Gabrielle, alone, once the Spartans got their wraps undone and decided to come back at them again.  A massive bluff?  Maybe a surprise frontal attack?  Hm.   She accepted another chunk of cheese and sipped her pear cider. ÒWhat are they doing Solari?Ó

ÒStill talking.Ó The Amazon reported. ÒThey look pretty pissed off.Ó

ÒGlad I got their attention.Ó   Xena said. ÒThey getting ready to ride back over here?Ó

ÒNot yet.Ó Iolaus was next to her. ÒTheyÕre putting those bodies in one of the wagons.Ó

Xena finished her cider and put the cup down. ÒCÕmon.Ó  She held her hand out to Gabrielle, and they stood up together. ÒExcuse us.Ó

Gabrielle picked up her staff, and they stepped off the ledge, moving away from the wall towards the front of the gates where Jessan was now waiting.  She barely kept from glancing behind her, having caught the look of venom from Milena as they passed.  ÒThat kidÕs got it bad, hon.Ó She bumped her partnerÕs hip.

Xena sighed.

ÒI remember the days when IÕd be so jealous about that IÕd be coughing up green from my guts.Ó The bard added casually.

ÒYouÕre not now?Ó

ÒNope.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒYouÕre mine.Ó

Xena eyed her.

ÒYou are.Ó The bard said.  ÒI earned every damn inch of you.Ó

The certainty in her soulmateÕs voice made Xena smile.   It was true. TheyÕd earned their relationship the hard way and though sheÕd often found GabrielleÕs testy jealousy funny, the confidence that had replaced it was far sweeter.  

Jessan was waiting when they got there, and handed the reins over. ÒSure you guys donÕt want company?Ó He indicated the crowd around them, now made up of militia, Amazons, and some of JenÕs soldiers.

Xena put her hand on IoÕs nose, and studied them. ÒNo.Ó She said. ÒLet me and Gabrielle go talk to them first. If we need backup, then everyone can haul ass out.Ó She said.  ÒStay behind the gates until then. They donÕt know what kind of force we have in here. They donÕtÕ really know whatÕs going on. Keep them guessing.Ó

She swung up onto IoÕs back and settled her self, while Gabrielle climbed aboard Shadow. ÒShe do all right for you?Ó The warrior asked, eyeing the young mare.

ÒSheÕs been great.Ó Gabrielle put her staff into its holders, and gave her horse a pat on the neck.  ÒEven with Dori bouncing around all over her.Ó She glanced behind them. ÒGlad her new friendÕs keeping her busy.Ó

Xena gathered her reins. ÒOkay, open the stock door.Ó She indicated the heavily barred, small portal to one side of the gates.  ÒWeÕll go through that.Ó She said. ÒWe wonÕt be long.Ó

Jessan put a clawed hand on her thigh.  ÒBe safe, my friend.Ó He said. ÒThe last thing we need is to lose either of you.Ó

ÒWe will be.Ó Xena touched his shoulder. ÒI want to see my kid ride that pony.Ó

Jessan smiled and stepped back.  Xena led the way towards the stock door, waiting for Gabrielle to catch up as they approached the wall.   She paused as they swung the door open, then she ducked gracefully and they went through.  The door closed behind them quickly, and then they were outside the gates.

Outside in sudden quiet, after the chaos of the courtyard.   Outside where the road stretched out before them, ending in a solid wall of Spartan soldiers who only now were becoming aware of their presence.

ÒCÕmon.Ó Xena guided Io onto the road and they started towards the Spartan lines.  

After a moment, Shadow came up next to her and she and Gabrielle were riding knee to knee along the hard packed roadway.  The city wall fell behind them as they approached the Spartan army – and now the front lines were scrambling and men were getting mounted on their horses as banners fluttered into place.

ÒWerenÕt really expecting us huh?Ó Gabrielle was very glad to have left the city behind them for the moment even if they were riding into Hades together.

ÒDoes anyone ever expect us?Ó  Xena countered.  ÒIf you were a thousand man army, would you expect two chicks with a big knife and big stick to come riding out to kick your ass?Ó

Gabrielle started to chuckle. ÒOh, Xe.Ó  She exhaled.  ÒWhat in the world are we going to do?Ó She asked. ÒWeÕre not really going to attack them, are we?Ó

ÒDepends.Ó Xena watched the soldiers gathering to ride towards them. ÒLetÕs see what they do.Ó  She saw the banner rise up again, and a group of six soldiers started towards them, riding with slow caution in their direction.   Behind them, the rest of the army was getting into position for battle.

Not a really good sign. She watched them bring up their shields, and saw the forest of spears shiver into place.  The siege engine was being cranked back, the creak of the ropes clearly audible to her on the wind.  The army was clearly ready to attack.

And she and Gabrielle rode slowly towards them.  She was relaxed in her saddle, and next to her, the bard also seemed comfortable. ÒThat saddle work better for you riding?Ó She asked. ÒYou look like it does.Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Gabrielle nodded. ÒI wasnÕt nearly as sore, and my back was even mostly okay this trip.Ó  She said. ÒShadowÕs a little smaller than Io, or even Argo.Ó

ÒGood stock.Ó Xena said, aware from her peripheral vision that the Spartans were closing in on them, helmets down, with spears at the ready.  ÒShe was easy to train.Ó

ÒHey Xe?Ó  Gabrielle said, after a momentÕs silence. 

ÒMm?Ó  Xena kept Io going at a steady pace, riding right down the center of the road towards the oncoming soldiers.

ÒIÕm glad you gave Dor her pony.Ó The bard said. ÒI think itÕs her best present ever.Ó

Xena smiled.

ÒAnd you never know whatÕs going to happen when you and do crazy things like this.Ó Gabrielle continued, in a soft voice. ÒYou never know, you know?Ó

ÒI know.Ó

They slowed to a halt as the Spartans did too, and for a long, silent moment they faced off against each other, taking each otherÕs measure.

Xena finally broke the silence. ÒWhoÕs in charge of this bunch?Ó She asked, in a casual tone.  ÒEither come forward, or get the Hades out of the way so I can find someone willing to volunteer.Ó

The six men stayed still for a very long moment. Then one finally moved his horse forward a few steps and stopped, doffing his helmet as he turned a little in his saddle.   He was wearing more ornate armor, and his helmet had a crest, but otherwise he was indistinguishably from his companions. ÒI am Thurdor. I command here.Ó

ÒGood.Ó Xena said. ÒMy name is..Ó

ÒI know who you are.Ó He cut her off. ÒAre you responsible for the desecration of my brothers?Ó He turned and pointed at the wagon. ÒThose men?Ó

ÒYes.Ó  Xena met his eyes with a faint smile.  ÒIÕve got a pile more in there. Want em?Ó She asked, in a light, mocking tone. ÒOr do you want to sit down and talk with me, and maybe save the rest of your men the same fate.Ó

Gabrielle watched him watch her partner.  Xena had this absolute confidence in self that often overwhelmed people – had, in fact, overwhelmed Gabrielle for a long time in their relationship until sheÕd finally gotten an inside understanding of her.  She knew, now, that Xena was bluffing and even knowing that, there was a good solid part of her that believed utterly that Xena could deliver whatever she was offering up.

She had no doubt.  SheÕd seen Xena do too much; achieve too many impossible goals not to believe anything was possible if Xena said it was.

But would the soldier buy into that? Or were they about to be in the fight of their lives?

The man looked over at her. Gabrielle rested her hands on her saddlebow and smiled at him, waiting for his decision.  ÒSo.Ó She said. ÒWhatÕs it going to be?  Am I going to tell everyone about you being a brave and noble general, or just another of XenaÕs conquests?Ó

The corners of XenaÕs lips twitched.


There was a tree, and they sat under it.   Xena, Gabrielle, and the Spartan Thurdor.  He left his guard standing by the road, and they sat with their backs to both the army and the city in the shade on a fallen log and the boulder right next to it.  Facing the headlands far off, with sea birds circling them it was a bit of unexpected peace.

The Spartan looked tired. He had removed his helmet and set it between his boots and pulled his gauntlets off.   ÒYou have led us a merry chase, Bard Gabrielle.Ó He addressed her. ÒLong and tough. I lost men and supplies in it.Ó

ÒWell.Ó Gabrielle was seated on the fallen log, her boots tucked under her and her staff resting across her knees.  ÒI didnÕt ask anyone to chase me.Ó 

ÒYou gave your word you would join us.Ó The man said. ÒYou broke that promise.Ó

ÒI lied.Ó The bard agreed. ÒBut I couldnÕt let you take me prisoner and use me against Xena.Ó

The soldier stared at her. ÒYou knew?Ó

ÒOf course I knew.Ó Gabrielle gentled the words with a smile. ÒSo I really didnÕt feel bad about lying because your men were too.Ó

Xena chuckled. ÒPeople have been trying that old dodge for years.Ó She remarked. ÒThey all think sheÕs my weak spot.Ó

ÒIsnÕt she?Ó Thurdor asked, boldly.

ÒAbsolutely.Ó The warrior replied.  ÒSo your idea of kidnapping her doesnÕt make me very happy.Ó She gave him a level stare.

ÒYour idea of disgracing our dead makes me even less so.Ó  Thurdor replied. ÒThat can not be forgiven.  Those men died in honest battle.Ó

ÒDid they?Ó Gabrielle shifted a little. ÒWe met up with six of them who tried to ambush us on the way to the wall.Ó She said. ÒWhen we beat them, they killed themselves. How honorable is that, really?Ó

The Spartan looked at her. ÒYou do not tell the truth.Ó

ÒMost of the time I do.Ó The bard said.  ÒAnd in this case, I am.Ó

Thurdor shook his head.  ÒSpartan warriors would not do that.Ó

ÒOkay, well, six guys that look like you dressed as Spartans with Spartan weapons and armor attacked us then.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒAnd when we kicked their asses, they stabbed themselves.Ó

ÒThe ones that didnÕt die the usual way.Ó Xena said. ÒGuess they didnÕt want to face being defeated by a couple of women.Ó

The Spartan frowned. Then he shrugged. ÒStill, those you desecrated died with honor. We saw the sword and arrow wounds.Ó

ÒThey served my purpose.Ó Xena spoke up. ÒThey derailed your pompous ultimatum and got you to talk. If that saves lives on both sides thereÕs no dishonor.Ó

The Spartan grunted.

ÒItÕs called the greater good.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒItÕs why I left my family and friends behind, and risked my homeland. I knew in the bigger scheme of things putting myself in your hands would be worse.Ó She considered. ÒFor both of us.Ó

Thurdor studied them.  ÒAnd if your home is no more now because of it?Ó

ÒWouldnÕt be the first time.Ó Xena returned his gaze.  ÒBut I know those people. They donÕt kill easily and youÕre here too fast.Ó She laced her fingers together. ÒAnd I donÕt think youÕre stupid enough to admit to destroying the place because if you did, IÕd have to cut your heart out.Ó

ÒWould you?Ó

ÒYes, I would.Ó The warriorÕs voice was quiet, and very serious.  ÒRight here where you sit, in front of that army, regardless of the fact weÕre under a truce flag at the moment.Ó

ÒHave you such confidence in yourself, Xena?Ó The Spartan smiled a little.

ÒYes.Ó Xena smiled back. ÒI do.Ó

Thurdor snorted a little and shook his head. ÒYouÕre all crazy, the lot of you.  They tried to keep us down by the river. Told us there was silver to be found, and stories about wild naked women in the hilltopsÉ anything to keep us from chasing you.Ó

Xena and Gabrielle exchanged glances. 

ÒWe knew it for lies.Ó The Spartan said, with a shrug. ÒBut in any case, you said you wanted speech before this battle begins, Xena. What is it you had to say?  The day grows older, and my men are anxious to go forward to the assault.Ó He looked over at her. ÒI assume you would not presume to say you wish to join us.Ó

ÒNo.Ó The warrior said. ÒI donÕt want this war to happen at all.  ItÕs wrong.Ó She leaned forward.  ÒI want it to stop.Ó

Thurdor stared at her, nonplussed. ÒWhat?Ó

ÒWe donÕt want a fight.Ó  Gabrielle clarified.

ÒItÕs a sham.Ó Xena went on. ÒAthens and Sparta are being goaded into fighting each other to satisfy the whims and egos of a couple of goddesses. Ò She said. ÒNothing good will come of it for either city state.Ó She concluded. ÒIt profits no one.  We need to stop it.Ó

The Spartan continued staring at her. ÒAre you mad?Ó He asked, in an honestly curious tone.

ÒSheÕs not.Ó  Gabrielle picked up the conversational ball.  ÒItÕs true.  ItÕs all about a bet between the gods, to see whoÕs the better battle leader, Athena or Artemis.Ó  She said.  ÒAnd if this war happens, and one of them does winÉ  something even worse could happen.Ó


ÒDidnÕt Artemis tell you to find a woman to lead you?Ó  Xena asked.  ÒWhy?Ó

ÒAnd Athens sent for Xena.Ó Gabrielle chimed in.  ÒWhy?Ó

Thurdor looked from one to the other.  ÒYou are both mad. I do not question the gods.Ó He replied.

ÒYou should.Ó The bard said.  ÒYou find out things that way. I asked Ares what was going on with this war, and he told me about it.Ó



Thurdor crossed one armored knee over the other and wrapped his hands around it.  He studied the two women for a long moment. ÒDo you truly expect me to believe you speak with the gods?Ó He asked, sounding just a touch plaintive.  ÒWhat type of fool do you take me for?Ó

ÒNo fool at all.Ó Gabrielle said.  She gave Xena a sideways glance, but the warrior seemed very content to let her do the talking. 

Not really surprising.  The bard smiled a little. ÒWe donÕtÕ think youÕre a fool, and I hope you donÕt think we are either.  Xena and I have been through a lot of different situations involving the gods.  WeÕre not oracles, but for better or worse theyÕve taken personal interest in our lives and so, yes, when I say IÕve talked to Ares about this, I mean it. I have.Ó

ÒAnd I am supposed to believe this claim???Ó

ÒItÕs true.Ó Xena replied. ÒYou can believe it or not, thatÕs your choice but that doesnÕt change the fact.Ó

Thurdor remained silent for a while. He turned and regarded Xena thoughtfully. ÒOne of the names I have heard for you is AresÕ Chosen.Ó

Xena nodded. ÒHe was my mentor.Ó She replied honestly. ÒHeÕs been part of my life for a long time.Ó 

ÒIs that were your vaunted skills come from?Ó

Xena shrugged slightly. ÒMaybe.Ó She added. ÒHe wants this war to stop.Ó

ÒHe is the god of War.Ó The Spartan said. ÒAssuming I do believe you are telling me the truth – and you have lied, Gabrielle.Ó He looked over at the bard. ÒWhy would he want this to stop? He should be craving it.Ó He lifted his hands. ÒWhy not believe, instead, that we should attack this city before us, and take it over as my masters have ordered me?Ó

ÒBecause IÕm not gonna let you do that.Ó  Xena replied.

ÒYou are but one person, no matter how skilled.Ó Thurdor pointed out.  ÒWe are an army, Xena.Ó

ÒTwo people.Ó Gabrielle corrected him.  ÒIt wouldnÕt be the first time we stood up against an army.Ó

He looked from one of them to the other.  Xena was seated casually on a boulder, arms braced behind her, and boots stretched out and crossed at the ankles. She had her sword on, and two daggers visible, but compared to his own her armor was almost pitifully light.

And Gabrielle? She had nothing on but a half shirt and skirt, and her stick.  Nearby, their horses contentedly cropped the grass, two beautiful, well-bred animals.

Insanity.  They both must surely be insane, and yet, looking at them he saw only confidence.   Were they insane? Or was this story somehow true?   ÒWhat does he look like?Ó He asked, finally.  ÒTell me that.  We have our own tales of the God of War.Ó

ÒHeÕs tall.Ó Gabrielle said, after a pause.  ÒHeÕs got dark hair and a beard, and moustache and thick dark eyebrows.Ó She met his eyes. ÒAnd very blue eyes.Ó

ThurdorÕs attention flicked to Xena, who said nothing. She merely smiled a little.

ÒHe wears black leather, at least, he usually does when IÕve seen him.Ó Gabrielle went on. ÒAnd a leather wristlet with a big red stone in it.Ó

ÒDo you worship him, Gabrielle? You do not seem the type.Ó The Spartan said, watching her closely. ÒI thought you more an acolyte of Athena, perhaps, or Aphrodite.Ó

Gabrielle glanced at Xena, who smiled.  ÒI donÕt worship him. No.Ó She said. ÒBut I have come to appreciate him, over the years.Ó

Thurdor frowned.

ÒListen.Ó Xena said.  ÒYouÕre just going to have to either accept this on faith, or not.  Your armyÕs being used as a pawn in a power play.   ItÕs all about them, not about you.  Those men mean anything to you?Ó

The Spartan remained thoughtfully silent for a few minutes. ÒWhat alternative do I have?Ó He finally said. ÒI am here. The city is here. We are warriors.Ó

Ah. Gabrielle felt the gentle hitch as he took the bait.  She half turned her head and looked at Xena, one eyebrow cocking up slightly as she invited her partner to lay out whatever ploy sheÕd come up with.

She was sure Xena had something in mind. At least, she hoped she did, because Gabrielle had worked the Spartan skillfully to the place he was in now, where he was ready to at least consider what they had to say. 

Xena straightened up and folded her arms over her chest. ÒYou have a fleet out there trying to pick you up.Ó She stated flatly, watching his face twitch in surprise.  ÒMy people inside the walls are holding them out of the harbor.  If you give me your word youÕll have your men bond their arms, IÕll let you through the city, and let the ships into the harbor, and you can get out of here.Ó

Oo.  Gabrielle inhaled a little, a touch surprised at the brazen offer.  Risky and bold, even from her admittedly far too easily risk taking soulmate.

The Spartan was equally surprised.  ÒAre you saying you would open the gates to us?Ó

ÒIf you give your word your men will touch nothing, and attempt no harm to anyone.Ó Xena said, slowly.

ÒMy word.Ó Thurdor mused.  ÒThat means something to me.Ó

ÒI know.Ó Xena stood up. ÒIn return, you have my word we wonÕt ambush and slaughter your army in those narrow city streets and those ships will be there for you to board.Ó

Gabrielle just sat and watched. It was hard for her to fathom that this Spartan would take the bargain, seeing as his force was so much greater, and he surely knew the city had little defense other than itÕs stout walls.

And Xena, of course.

She examined the SpartanÕs face, his square skull with its grizzled cap of short-cropped hair glistening in the morning light.  He was older than Xena was, probably closer to BennuÕs age and he had the worn, leathered look of a man who had spent a lot of time on campaign in SpartaÕs many wars.

There was a lot of experience in those eyes that were now studying her partnerÕs face with direct intensity.   Gabrielle debated stepping in, and then decided she should just let the thing play out.

ÒThere were three ships supposed to land first.Ó  Thurdor finally said.

Xena pointed at the wagon that held the dead bodies. ÒWant the rest of them?Ó She asked. ÒI boarded one of those ships myself, and gutted the captain of it.Ó

The Spartan chewed the inside of his lip, his eyes watching Xena closely.  ÒAll of my life, and in my career as a soldier I have worshiped the God of War.Ó He said, at last.  ÒAnd now I find myself caught between an oracleÕs word from a goddess who never had interest in my people, and the word of one who calls themselves Ares Chosen.Ó

Xena spread her arms out, and then let them drop. ÒLifeÕs full of tough choices.Ó

Thurdor stared at her, then he turned and walked a few steps away, pausing with his back to them as he considered.

It was, Gabrielle knew in her gut, just the right thing to say.  Not to try and persuade him further, or to make a better argument, just put it out there and say, take it or leave it. This is what it is.

Very Xena.  Blunt in a way she herself couldnÕt get away with and usually didnÕt want to. She preferred gentle diplomacy but sometimes, sometimes you needed the rough, raw edge Xena provided.  Made it more real, with that potential for violence lurking so plainly behind those gruff words.

She got up and went over to stand next to her partner, feeling the rising sun warm her back. ÒThat was bold.Ó She uttered softly.  ÒWhat do you think?Ó

Xena laid her arm over the bardÕs shoulders. ÒEh. Fifty fifty.Ó  She whispered.  ÒGets him what he really wants with less risk to his men. See if that matters more than glory.Ó

ÒWhat would you do?Ó Gabrielle asked.

Xena paused. ÒWhen?Ó  She hazarded. ÒBefore or after?Ó

The bard chuckled wryly.

Thurdor turned and came back over to them.  He seemed slightly surprised at their relaxed posture, and was even more surprised when Xena pulled Gabrielle closer and gave her a kiss on the head, before she released her and straightened.   He paused. ÒWhy did you run from us, Gabrielle?  Did you truly think we would harm you?Ó

ÒI wasnÕt running from you.Ó The bard answered straightforwardly. ÒI was running to her.Ó She indicated her partner with a jerk of her head. ÒI just didnÕt want you to get in my way.Ó

Thurdor regarded her, his head slightly cocked to one side.  Then he nodded. ÒNow that I believe to be true. Ò He looked at Xena. ÒI accept your offer. I will need some little time to arrange my troops to march through the city.Ó

ÒGood.Ó The warrior extended one arm, hand open and turned up. ÒIt will take me a while to get the street cleared to let you through.  WeÕll arrange your dead for you to pick up on the way.Ó

He covered her hand with his. ÒWith respect?Ó

ÒThey died as warriors.Ó Xena said. ÒThey deserve it.Ó She paused. ÒI apologize for the use of them before. Sometimes in war you have to do things like that.Ó

Thurdor nodded again.  ÒAnd I apologize for our intent to capture and use Gabrielle.  Sometimes in war, you have to do things like that.Ó

They gripped and released each other.   Then the Spartan simply turned and left, going to his horse and pulling himself up into the saddle before turning the animal and heading back towards the guard heÕd left behind.  

ÒHm.Ó Gabrielle grunted. ÒHe was all right. I liked him.Ó She said. ÒHe felt a lot more real than the other guys they sent to Amphipolis.Ó She decided. ÒThey were sorta slimy.Ó

ÒHeÕs an old timer.Ó Xena agreed, as she put a hand on her partnerÕs back and guided her towards where Shadow and Io were patiently waiting.  ÒBeen around long enough to know better.Ó

ÒLike you?Ó Gabrielle bumped her. 

Xena chuckled wryly.  ÔYeah, something like that.Ó She waited for Gabrielle to get up on Shadow, and then she vaulted into IoÕs saddle. ÒNow we go do the hard part.Ó She settled her knees and turned her stallion with a nudge, as they started back towards the stock gate in the wall. 

She could see the top of the battlements lined with faces, watching them as they crossed the road and went up the lightly beaten path through the grass towards the city.  The sun was rising higher up over the trees now, and she could smell the rich earth they were riding over.

Ahead, the stock door opened, and Jessan poked his furry head out.  ÒHey.Ó He waved. ÒLots of freaking out humans in here. Glad youÕre back.Ó

ÒHey.Ó Xena waited for him to draw back, as she guided Io inside with Gabrielle close at her heels.  She waited for the door to close, and then half turned him to face the crowd of friends and city dwellers standing there. 

How could she put this?  SheÕd basically surrendered the city and offered the Spartans free passage.  Would they listen to her, or just go crazy, and then sheÕd have a rebellion and fight on her hands as her own forces would gather to defend her?

ÒOkay folks.Ó Gabrielle half stood in her stirrups, taking the decision out of XenaÕs hands.  ÒDenius, could you gather a few of the leaders of the city and meet with us in the hall? Jens, you too.Ó She indicated the Athenian captain. ÒLetÕs talk about what we discussed with the Spartans, and what the plan is.Ó

Bodies shifted and started to move, as the patrician, looking annoyed but resigned, lifted his hand in agreement and turned towards the hall. A way was cleared for him, and the city leaders joined him as he walked, their heads bent towards his.

ÒThanks.Ó Xena turned her head towards the bard.

ÒFigured you needed a few minutes to figure out what to say.Ó The bard replied quietly. ÒI sure would.Ó She added. ÒThatÕs for sure.Ó

ÒLove ya.Ó Xena reached over and slapped her leg.  ÒOkay, Jess, you too, and Bennu if he can make it.Ó  She spotted Pony. ÒYou too.Ó

ÒYou bet.Ó Pony wormed her way through the crowd to XenaÕs side. ÒEphÕs up the hill watching out.  They got that boat burning out there making a big old mess.Ó She reported. ÒCait said the big bunch of them is outside in the water, going around in circles.Ó

A mess theyÕd have to now clean up. ÒGreat.Ó Xena got down off IoÕs back.  ÒTheyÕre not going to rush the gates, but keep watch. You never know when someone might get a bright idea.Ó She said. ÒMarlas, can you get a start getting the rest of those bodies lined up on a wagon? Put them back right.Ó

ÒAye, genÕrl.Ó One of her own militia nodded. ÒTake care of it.Ó  He turned and started towards the charnel pit, waving a few other militia to join him.  ÒCÕmon boys, you heard the genÕrl.Ó

ÒSo that got their attention eh?Ó Jens asked. ÒDamned good idea.Ó

ÒGot their attention.Ó Xena agreed, but then fell silent.

Gabrielle got down off Shadow and patted her on the shoulder.  She took the reins and followed Xena through the crowd, which gave way as they proceeded away from the wall towards the meeting hall theyÕd used the previous day.  Had it only been the previous day?

It felt longer.  Already the discomfort of her long ride here and XenaÕs absence were fading, replaced by the far more normal to her now of them being together and dealing with something.

It was always something.  Gabrielle chuckled wryly to herself.  They never really had much peace in their lives, did they? If it wasnÕt raiders, it was journeying to help people, and if it wasnÕt that, it was floods or invasions.  So very rare were periods of just living a normal day-to-day existence.

DoriÕs birth year, in fact, had been the last time.  Those long moons of learning to be parents, and dealing with their active infant – she remembered though a few times when sheÕd thought being out on the road fighting every day would have been less exhausting.

Hm.  She caught up to Xena and put a hand on the hollow of her back, below where her sword was, feeling the shift and move as the warriorÕs body felt the touch.

ÒHm?Ó Xena turned her head and looked down.

ÒNothing.Ó The bard smiled.

Xena draped an arm over her shoulder.  ÒLetÕs go ride the Styx again. See where it takes us this time.Ó

ÒUgh.Ó Gabrielle sighed. ÒCanÕt we just go walk on the beach instead?Ó


Continued in Part 24