November 2018
A Change of Seasons Part 14
04/11/18 11:12
Hello all and I hope everyone had a great Autumn Equinox and or Halloween and or Fall Festival and or whatever it is you celebrate or don't celebrate even if it's just possibly some cooler weather here in the Northern Hemisphere. In central Florida here where I live now it's gotten a bit cooler and less rainy so that's been nice, and everyone is looking forward to the holiday season.
Here is what is likely the next to last section of Change of Seasons - what is up next is either a new Dar and Kerry story or one with Jess and Dev - I am going to decide this week.
A Change of Seasons Part 14

Here is what is likely the next to last section of Change of Seasons - what is up next is either a new Dar and Kerry story or one with Jess and Dev - I am going to decide this week.
A Change of Seasons Part 14